We have been unable to determine the exact
effect that CS has on the extensive soil-bacteria community......when
applied as a direct, incorporated, component into the soil body.  There
are, simply, too many different floral (and faunal) communities present
in a viable soil.....for us to, easily, determine the type of effects
and the degree of the effects.......upon this multitudinous population
of diverse life forms.  At least, not without major attendant costs.
                        We have, however, conducted quite a number of
evaluations involving the use of colloidal silver as a foliar
spray.........with splendid, almost universal, success.  We found CS to
be a most effective control for Fire Blight (a major affliction of pear
trees).  It was the only protocol.....excepting streptomycin and
streptomycin-like compounds.....which furnished rapid, reliable control.

                        I would be hesitant to utilize more than "trace"
amounts of colloidal silver as a general amendment to the
soil.......especially with a view toward improving the general fertility
profile-----absent some "specific" affliction presentation for which CS
might offer a singular control response.
                        Our general response to CS as a foliar spray for
challenged plants.......was a totally beneficial one.
                        Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley

barnb...@aol.com wrote:

> Excellent description of a very simple c/s generator. I applaud you.
> Iknow about cut flowers, however, I intend to plant some veggies this
> years in packaged growth boxes. My soil in in poor shape and I'm too
> old and decrepit to dig a garden anyway. I intend to add about 3 or 4
> ounces c/s to the water supply to each box. Will this have any effect
> on the plants?    Thank you  UFOS