Morning Tish,

As a former welder, sucking up oxygen should be done with great care as just about anything burns in the presence of pure oxygen. All it takes is a spark and - WA LA - no more hair and a serious burn.

  You mean, burn, not explode, I suppose.     Can you elaborate a bit?

  Many materials cannot be ignited easily with a spark.

If you mean, explode, then most gases have a narrow range of concentration that can produce an explosion.

I had a chart of these different gasses and the concentration range required to produce an explosion at one time.

I use oxygen in my den when walking on the treadmill. I have intended to do a concentration percentage, using the 5 liters per minute and the volume of the room.

In this case, I don't think the hazard is nearly as great as I have been led to believe by the non-technical.

There is a gas heater about 25 feet away. Sometime I turn it off, including the pilot.


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