The danger of an oxygen rich atmosphere is that any combustion reaction is
intensified! I believe that Gus Grissom and several other astronauts died as
a result of an electrical fault (short circuit) in a confined space that was
oxygen-rich and that everything that was combustible (wire insulation, seat
covers and foam padding, paper and clipboards, etcetera) burned with
incredible rapidity and intensity! Check with AGA or one of your local
welding suppliers to see if they are offering any educational demos on the
dangers of combustible gases and oxidisers (oxygen). Well worth the time!
Regards, Al...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Fugitt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 8:26 AM
Subject: CS>Oxygen, Burn or Explode?

> Morning Tish,
> >As a former welder, sucking up oxygen should be done with great care as
> >just about anything burns in the presence of pure oxygen. All it takes is
> >a spark and - WA LA - no more hair and a serious burn.
>    You mean, burn, not explode, I suppose.     Can you elaborate a bit?
>    Many materials cannot be ignited easily with a spark.
>    If you mean,  explode, then most gases have a narrow range of
> concentration that can produce an explosion.
>    I had a chart of these different gasses and the concentration range
> required to produce an explosion at one time.
>    I use oxygen in my den when walking on the treadmill.  I have intended
> to do a concentration percentage, using the 5 liters per minute and the
> volume of the room.
>    In this case, I don't think the hazard is nearly as great as I have
> led to believe by the non-technical.
>    There is a gas heater about 25 feet away.  Sometime I turn it off,
> including the pilot.
>    Wayne
> --
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