
Even if no cure available control is.

For what its worth, this info came over time and mainly by searching the
net. Tons of info in pamphlets and books. Drs are short on time spent with a
patient and have long ago decided I must take charge and responsibly of my

 You say your wife has been diabetic since a child, type 1, probably under
supply of insulin. I would think that she should have control by now. You
mention taking a pill, this is second line of control the first and a must
is what you eat. Sugar and any thing turning to sugar once eaten must be
controlled. Tons of info on this. With a fasting BS in the 300 hundreds a
pill seems lost cause. Have been the pill route, more than one and it did
not drop my fasting BS out of the 300s. Went insulin injection to gain

True there is cost involved; She must be a tough lady to handle those hours
as her energy level has to be affected. Body function is slow down hill
slide with out control. Ability to hold a job is only matter of time.

 I finely went to dr when having a real problem staying awake driving to
work, 50 miles. Would eat before leaving, sugar would build. Recently took
my fasting BS and shot up insulin to handle breakfast. Friend called having
problem on the road, I left to help him without eating. About 30 miles
latter could not stay awake, drove off the road and the crash, bang sound
woke me up. Car was never the same. Sugar to high or low and you are in

Alternative clams some cures, vanadium one along with some others. All
requiring months of use and close watch of CONTROLLED blood sugar.

 A medical dr. is needed, their medications and attention to controlling.
Cost money now or she will not be able to hold a job. Thousands of us do
control it so can your wife. Cavalier attitude can buy blindness, loss of
feet and hands heart problems to name a few.

Sorry about the soapbox.

----- Original Message -----
From: "JohnWallis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>vanadium & BS count

> Hi All,
> Chuck said "I'd be greatly concerned", well of course I'm concerned. If I
> wasn't this continued post would not be here. However, there seems to be
> real answer to this diabetes problem.
> My wife has had diabetes since childhood. I had no real knowledge of what
> diabetes meant, or what it would cause. A MD we used to go to said "your
> wife has a cavalier attitude about her diabetes" so I started to read
> the problem. What I found out about diabetes is that NO ONE seems to know
> about it either, except that there seems to be a problem with your body
> parts.
> I have been to many MD's and have never received the same answer to the
> question.
> Your Blood Sugar will vary with whatever. If you eat it's one thing. If
> don't eat it's something else. In the AM it has another reading. In the PM
> again another reading. The variation of the BS count is so extreme, I find
> the BS count not to be a reliable indicator. I wish I could say that it
> The only thing it seems to be is an excellent source of revenue to the
> medical industry. The price of test strips is criminal. The cost of blood
> workups is prohibitative, and the constant visits to a MD's office is
> to put a person into bankruptcy, AND THERE IS NO CURE!
> Anyone would get tired of hearing the stupid statement, "lose some
> Does anyone think that a overweight person wants to be overweight? Do they
> think that someone enjoys lugging around the extra 100 or more pounds of
> fat? How about getting the food processing companies to stop putting tons
> sugar in everything to cover up the bad taste of their products because
> removed every nutrient. How about stopping all the endorsements of
> that are really no good for people. Better yet, How about getting a MD
> really knows about diabetes. After all, they have divided their business
> into SPECIALTIES to the point where a patient has to see several MD's for
> almost any little problem they might have. No wonder people are turning to
> alternative medicine....
> I'm sorry if I seem to be losing it, but I am. With all the pressures of
> this world you'd thing that something that's been around as long as
> has been, someone would have a grip on some real answers on how to CURE
> it.....
> BTW: the wife's BS was pretty much the same. 325. So tomorrow she is
> starting to take two pills a day. We'll see what happens. Oh, and if your
> wondering. She works in a factory. Lately since her company has moved most
> of the work to Mexico to avoid paying American workers a average wage, but
> found out that quality suffers with lower wages. She has had to work
> hour days to try to save the Companies customers and the Company from
> under. So with the three hour drive (back and forth) plus the 12 hour day,
> there's not a lot of time left for the nature walks that some of you guys
> would suggest.
> More BS counts tomorrow.
> John.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 5:43 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>vanadium & BS count
> > Normal is about 70 to 120, I'd be greatly concerned.
> >
> > Chuck
> >
> > "Remember, if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast."
> >  Woody Allen
> >
> > On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 11:01:11 -0500, JohnWallis <> wrote:
> >
> > >The wife's BS this morning was 357. She tests 1st thing in AM and then
> takes one vanadium 5000mcg.
> >
> >
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