Not at all, CS should do almost nothing in that case since it will have very low


"edkas...@pacbell" wrote:

> What would be the consensus of one who suffers chronic constipation?
> Should they refrain form C-S ?
> Ed Kasper LAc.Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist
> Santa Cruz, CA.
> Acupuncture is a jab well done
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marshall Dudley []
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 6:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS> curing bowels??
> I concur.  Moderate amounts of CS can cure diarrhea by killing the
> pathogens,
> and it will be rather effective since there will be reasonably good mobility
> due to the diarrhea. This is especially helpful if you repopulate with good
> flora with a probiotic or yogurt.
> But also, if you take very large amounts of CS, it CAN kill the good
> bacteria
> in the gut as well, even it you don't have diarrhea, thereby causing
> diarrhea.
> This is easily fixed with probiotics as well.
> I have experienced both.  Taking 4 to 8 oz a day of 5 ppm CS I have found to
> be
> very good in eliminating diarrhea.  But one time when I was bitten by a tick
> and got the typical lyme spot, I took about a half to a full gallon of CS a
> day
> for a week to make sure I did not get lyme again.  That ended up killing the
> flora, and gave me some pretty loose bowls. But a few probiotics and some
> yogurt took care of that once I dropped back into the normal range of CS
> dosage.
> Marshall
> ---
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