What is IB please?


Melody D Harris wrote:
> i agree totally. i have only been an active CS user for 3mos, and i know!
> i know! that it is helping us all.  everyone in this household! my hubby,
> 51, disabled to pieces/me, 53, disabled to pieces/wolfie, you all know
> about wolfie, 9yr, male collie, disabled to pieces/ tootsie roll, 9yrs,
> IB probs also, improved 100%/and last but not least, Josette' our iggie,
> also had IB and now NOT!
> i would love to bathe in CS!
> xoxoxooxoxox
> wolfie & mel,
> melody harris,
> 29 palms, ca
> <<<TO LIST MEMBERS:  Sorry for being so sarcastic, but, IMO, this entire
> message seems to be very contrived.  It looks like it's intended to
> scare people who are new to CS so they won't even investigate the
> reported benefits.
> -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF>>>
> --
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