Thank you Marshall, based on that I think I'll avoid the CS and follow Maggies advice and put more plants in the pond.


Marshall Dudley wrote:
I have found CS to kill algae, but others have reported it did not, so it
may depend on the variety of algae.

As fas as fish, the EPA lists silver as being toxic to fish I believe.  That
may be silver compounds only, or due to killing the flora in their gut.  So
you might want to go easy until you can determine there is no adverse affect
on the fish.  Also it can kill the bacteria necessary for digesting the
fish's wastes, and cause poor water quality.


Jim wrote:

I have a 120 gal fish pond in my garden, algae is getting bad.  Can CS
be put into the pond to help kill off some of the algae and will it harm
the fish?

Thank You,


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