I am relatively new to the list and totally new to CS (just received my
generator this past Tuesday - thanks Ken!!).  The generator makes 24 ppm CS.
I've been reading that lower ppm's are possibly better?  If I have 1/2
gallon 24 ppm CS and dilute it with 1/2 gallon distilled water, would that
give me 12 ppm CS?  And is that really better?

Background on me:  I'm a relatively healthy 46 year old female (until
lately) and have a 21 yr old daughter and a 19 yr old son.  About 1 1/2
years ago I contracted shingles, and although it has long been gone, I have
not felt back to normal since then.  Almost three weeks ago at my "annual"
exam and a sonogram due to pain under the upper right side of my ribs, my
doctor says I have blood in my stool, saw a possible 6mm imbedded stone in
my gallbladder, and a 2mm cyst on my left kidney (my pap and mammogram came
back normal).  He has referred me to a Digestive Diseases doctor for a
consultation and possible colonoscopy and/or upper/lower GI.  I am scheduled
to see this new doctor on June 10th.  Can CS help me with any or all of
those symptoms?  I'm not crazy about getting the tests and would definitely
prefer to avoid any possible surgeries.

My question is - What strength CS should I take and in what quantity and how
often?  The last 3 nights I have used a dose cup that came off a pepto
bismol bottle, which says it is 30ml (is that close to an ounce?).

I also have had tinnitus (ringing in the ears) for years - would putting a
drop or two of CS in my ears help with this?

I have a toenail fungus on my left big toe.  The last 2 nights I have
saturated a cotton ball in CS and band-aided it to the toe overnight.  Any
other suggestions for treating this?

I've been busy "brewing" each night after work and now have a little more
than a half gallon of totally clear 24 ppm CS.  I'm open to all suggestions
and would really appreciate all your advice and insight.  Thanks in advance!


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