Feel comfortable with what you're doing.
You are reacting to people that want to take a process to the "n"th degree, no
need for meters etc. unless you need a science project.
I've used grocery store distilled water for 5 years with never a bad batch.
Worry more about soap residue from cleaning the brewing container.

BTW, a tds meter would be the wrong one to get. A pwt is the one you want.
(IF you want to approximate the ppm of your brew)


If your feet smell and your nose runs, you're built upside down.

On Thu, 05 Jun 2003 15:08:08 -0700 (PDT), Jean DeMasters
<> wrote:

>Hi "Ole Bob",
>Thank you for answering.  The post I read before warns that CS should not be 
>made without a ppm/tds meter, because DW has to be verified genuine or you 
>will end up making Silver-Chloride.  Is this true?, and if so is the internet 
>the only place you can buy a meter?  I also read that CS should not be taken 
>with any food or liquid and that you should wait several hours before you eat 
>or drink anything.  Does that include water too?  
>Thank you for your insight,

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