Dear Mike,

  You said:

<< The email was sent privately to me.

  It seems to look like he paid for this service, and it  went through
  his address book where it found my address.

  But why my address was in there, and why the email had the following
  Subject line is very strange:>>

  Spam Arrest works like this - let's say I get Spam Arrest service.  Now, I
join the Silver-list.  Every time someone posts to the list, before my Spam
Arrest will allow me to receive the post, it will send an email to the
poster asking them to verify they are not a spammer.  Theoretically, once
you've done this, Spam Arrest will allow any posts to the list by you to
come to me.  Each person that posts will have to go through Spam Arrest
verification prior to me receiving the post.

   Now, my personal opinion on this.  I don't think I should have to do
anything for someone else to receive my posts from the list.  If someone is
paying for a service that is so poor one can't set some exceptions (like
"any post with Silver-list in the subject") I don't think I should have to
compensate for this by taking my time to do this.


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