url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m60494.html
Re: CS>Re: Nebulizing CS for SARS Redux
From: sol
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 17:17:51

  > So, Mike  M., I'm still confused---what is the ppm of  the  CS you
  > are now making at the lower current? Did I miss that?

  > paula

  Hi Paula,

  I have no idea what a Hanna would measure, but the 1.4  mA/sq.in. cs
  slowly turns  pale  blue in the salt test, and you have  to  get the
  light just right to see it. I consider it quite weak.

  The 87 uA/sq.in. cs has an immediate response at 20 ppm calculated.

  In the  salt  test,  you can see white clouds  growing  up  from the
  bottom. The dispersion is milky white after you stir it, but you can
  see objects  behind the glass. It settles out after a  few  days and
  the liquid turns clear.

  When you  hold it in your mouth for ten minutes and run  your tongue
  along your teeth, they feel quite rough. Bits of tartar may fall off
  after a while.

  I tried to make stronger cs, it is not very nice to drink.  The salt
  test is  very  strong, it has a metallic taste, and  it  gives  me a

  So 20 ppm calculated seems to be a happy compromise.

  The Hanna  PWT should measure a bit less, since there  is  almost no
  trace of black deposits anywhere and the glass stays clean.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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