url: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/m60456.html
Re: CS>Re: Nebulizing CS for SARS Redux
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:42:31

  > I can  think of only two ways you could get more  silver  atoms in
  > the water  than  the number of electrons used  in  the production.
  > First if  by  chance  we are all  wrong  about  the  silver always
  > leaving the wire as ions. If by chance they could leave  as clumps
  > of atoms, that could explain it.

  Hi Marshall,

  That would earn you a Nobel Prize if you could figure out how  to do
  it. The electrodes would wear down faster, and  electroplating would
  require less current. The aluminum refining industry would  lay gold
  at your feet - electricity is expensive:)

  A brief  trip through google produced many  references  to Faraday's
  laws. Here's one:

    "Faraday's investigations into the nature of electricity  also led
    him to  formulate new scientific laws. For example,  he determined
    that in  electrolysis  the   mass   of  a  substance  deposited or
    dissolved at  the electrode will be proportional to the  amount of
    charge that  passes through the solution - this  became  the first
    law of electrolysis."


  Faraday's work eventually led to the discovery of the electron:


  OT, but  Faraday  was  recognized by his peers as  one  of  the most
  important scientists  of  the time. Here's  a  beautiful  article by
  Hemholtz in 1881:


  I think his work pretty well established that one  electron accounts
  for one ion, and his laws are on pretty solid ground.

Best Regards,

Mike Monett

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