I seem to recall being told when I first bought contacts that I shouldn't get 
water on them. Something about water that would cause them to discolor. Not 
sure how true that is though. Logic would have it that if this were true that 
the distilled water in CS might cause the same problem. But I really don't know 
for a fact how that would turn out. I just thought it might be worth 
mentioning. Maybe others would have more experience with using CS on their 
contacts. I am curious to know more about this one myself.

----- Original Message ----- 
  From: kittykat 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 4:04 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>CS and Soft Contact Lenses

  Hi Ruth - I am not a scientist, or as scientifically knowledgable as a lot of 
people on this list, but I would advise against using cs while the lenses are 
in the eyes.  I read on the list a while back where a man said the dentist told 
him someone had filled his tooth, which wasn't the case, he was just drinking 
cs.  If that is a possibility with the teeth, I would think it might collect on 
the lens and cause problems to the eyes.

  I could be wrong and if anyone wants to speak up, please do.  But that's just 
my opinion.