<x-rich>  That may have been me that reported on the dentists reaction.

He did not say that someone had filled the tooth. The hole was still there
but it was clean as a whistle with no decayed bone or bacterial colonies in

 The decay had been stopped in its tracks.

 That's what amazed him.

 He only had to do the bare minimum of drilling to shape the hole for the

 I've had the same experience with my dentist who says that he thought I
would be a disaster area when I first came in..every time he sees me and
has nothing to do.

 And I tell him about CS each time.

 Then he gives me more flouride which remains unopened.

 I had 3 "watch spots" before I started using CS and went to that dentist.
4 Years later..no change.

 He just can't figure out why those little holes never got bigger.

 The 'literature' on Argyria states that the eyes are very sensitive to
silver buildup and is one of the first places where signs show up.

 I have NEVER heard of any problems with using Bredig Sol CS in the
eyes.[what we make, vs ,some commercial "cs"] 

 Some commercially sold bottles actually warn against getting it in the eyes. 

 The bottle that I saw with that warning had "Mild Silver Protein" in very
small, almost microscopic letters on the label.

 One customer who tried store bought CS on pink eye used the pricy store
stuff to wash shower curtains after using one of my generators as it stung
her eyes horribly and the home made...stronger...CS did not.

 I don't hesitate at all to spray my home made CS on my eyeballs. [Clears
up a sty in about 2 days.  Cedar and Cyprus sawdust is horrible about
making stys if some gets in the eyes]

 It stings my eyes just a little for a moment just like distilled water
does. Some people say it doesn't sting at all.

 Tough eyes? [seen lots of hard times, I guess]


At 03:04 PM 10/3/2003 -0500, you wrote: 


<excerpt><fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Hi Ruth - I am not a
scientist, or as scientifically knowledgable as a lot of people on this
list, but I would advise against using cs while the lenses are in the eyes.
 I read on the list a while back where a man said the dentist told him
someone had filled his tooth, which wasn't the case, he was just drinking
cs.  If that is a possibility with the teeth, I would think it might
collect on the lens and cause problems to the eyes.


<fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>I could be wrong and if anyone
wants to speak up, please do.  But that's just my opinion.



</smaller></fontfamily><excerpt> ----- Original Message ----- 

 <bold>From:</bold> <<mailto:crimsonl...@bellsouth.net>Ruth 

 <bold>To:</bold> <<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>silver-list@eskimo.com 

 <bold>Sent:</bold> Thursday, October 02, 2003 8:27 PM

 <bold>Subject:</bold> Re: CS>CS and Soft Contact Lenses


 <fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Since these are a test/freebie
pair of lenses, and as I have received no responses from my question below,
I will begin using a drop of CS (as I feel are needed) in my eyes while
wearing the lenses.   My main concern was that the CS would "stain" the
lenses as it does some other surfaces.   I'll let y'all know if any effects
(positive or negative) occur in the next few weeks or so.


 <fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Thanks again...     Ruth


----- Original Message ----- 

 <bold>From:</bold> <<mailto:crimsonl...@bellsouth.net>Ruth 

 <bold>To:</bold> <<mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>Silverlist 

 <bold>Sent:</bold> Tuesday, September 30, 2003 5:49 PM

 <bold>Subject:</bold> CS>CS and Soft Contact Lenses


 <fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Do any of y'all know if it's ok
to use CS drops while soft contact lenses are in my eyes?   I just started
re-wearing soft contacts and it used to be that you should only use drops
made specifically for soft lenses.   The ones I just got are the 30 day
Night & Day Ciba Vision lenses (made to wear and sleep in for up to 30 days
then throw away and start wearing a new pair).   Any information and input
you can give is appreciated.


 <fontfamily><param>Arial</param><smaller>Thanks in advance!!     Ruth





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