List members may be interested in the response from Ebay on why they ban
sales of colloidal silver. Ebay considers colloidal silver to be a
controlled substance the same as narcotics.

frank key

Hello Frank,

Thank you for writing eBay.

I am sorry for the confusion with this issue.  However, colloidal silver
is regulated by the FDA, and they have asked us not to allow the sales
of this production on our site.  Our policy regarding such items does
not mention every item specifically, if this were the case then the page
would be to large and most like crash most of the web browsers that try
to view it.  Our policy states that we do not allow "Narcotics, steroids
or other controlled substances".  Until further notice, this product is
considered a controlled substance and not permitted on our site.

For more information on this policy, please view the following link:

I wish you the best with your future transactions.


eBay Community Watch

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>