
Experiment #1, Posted before said:

The positive  silver electrode is introduced into a  DW container,
300cc, the other is outside the glass container.

DW measures 1.0 u Siemens Voltage = 34V supply: Sota constant current set a 1mA. After 2 days, 2.4uS After 5 days, 14.0 uS and a heaviest, by far, Tyndall I have ever seen. The final product have zero taste. The electrodes have no darkening or coating what so ever.
There was no sediments.
The container was glass 2" in diameter by 7.5" high
Electrodes 12 Ga, 5.5" sum merged.
The voltage stay constant at 34V, there was no measurable current.

This experiment was performed on a glass container, with electrodes, that were previously used (4 times) to make CS.

The enormous Tyndall was due , in - today's- my opinion to:
The release of silver particles from the container walls.
Since silver clusters seem to be formed from several silver molecules so arranged as to present a negative charge to the outside world, when a positive charged electrode is introduced in the water, the particles trapped in the wall get released. For the high conductivity exhibited in that experiment I have no guess at this time.

Experiment #2

Electrode: 6 feet long coiled on a 4 inches tight coil, wiped with clean paper towel and rinsed twice with DW. Never used before.

Container : Glass 4" diameter, 4" deep, never used before.

PS: 58 V Wall wart. no second electrode anywhere.

Staring conductivity = 1.0 uS
1 day  = 1.7 uS
3 days = 2.4
5 days = 3.3 uS
7 days = 3.8 uS
The meter was cleaned in DW before measurements.
Very slight Tyndall in a dark room was noticed.
There was no sediments, taste or change in the electrodes.

This is not a very impressive show but the change in conductivity , still, must be explained without invoking Faraday or any electromagnetic phenomenon, since a microamp meter was connected from the electrode to the glass and no current was registered.

This of course has no use as CS production goes, perhaps it can be used to clean container without solvents or touching them. Further investigations may help to answer some of the very perplexing questions found in the production of CS.

Peter R

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