Hi EIS'ers,

First off a "zapper" is a TENS machine , Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
Stimulator! Medically they has stopped and in some cases reversed macula
degeneration. See Dr. David Williams "Alternative" for Vol. 8. No. 9,
March 2000.

It works by increasing the blood flow to the retina of the eye.

I have bacterially induced arthritis. The common used pills Glucosamine
& Chondrotin do nothing.

Since the zapper thread started I finished up my TENS machine and
connected it above and below my knee and let it run for 10 minutes, then
changed knees and repeated the process. About 30 minutes later I felt my
lower legs and feet were warm and had a slight tingle. Maybe some

Repeated the process the next day, same feeling but I could tell a
difference in my walk.

Repeated the process the third day at about 8 pm and there was the
feelings and they that lasted until about 1 am. When I got up about 3
am  I could walk every easily, this morning when I walked the dog I had
now pain. There was a slight ache.
I did notice that when in bed I had no knee pains.

Now is some one who has relief with Glucosamine would try this it would
supply a valuable piece of data.

For me pills don't work but the TENS machine does. My arthritis is from
bacteria, According to Drs. Douglas & Whitaker only about 50% of people
get relief with pills.
The one who is helped with pills may not get relief with zapping !!! I
think we need to know !!!!!!!!

Since at 81 I have benign prostate enlargement I will try applying the
TENS unit from thigh to thigh and will report.

"Ole Bob"

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