Robb, I wouldn't worry about giving Hulda Clark any money, because
unless you buy one of her books, she won't get a dime.  She's published
her findings and made them available to people like you and I free of
charge - no patents or businesses selling products.  Many people use her
name and market products, but she isn't profiting from all that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robb Allen [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Zappers
Hi Vince........thanks for the info...I will try to look in to
that.......I have to admit that I'm really hesitant about handing Hulda
any more money than I already have........I just really think that some
of her writings are really misleading.......diseases aren't nearly as
easy to eradicate as she says.......and they probably never will
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Vince <>  Richter 
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 8:35 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Zappers
Rob, There's a video complete with sound available of a seminar devoted
to synchrometer operation.  The resonance was clearly audible.  The
normal practice time for most people is at least 20 minutes to get the
hang of the pressure and quick release necessary for proper synchrometer
operation.  I saw the video and then sent it back to my brother.  It
seems that you've spent some time researching this.  I wonder if you've
been looking in the wrong places for "proof" and information?  It's
there and not too hard to find..
-----Original Message-----
From: Robb Allen [] 
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Zappers
I hope your right.....I'm just saying that I have NEVER seen any
evidence of a syncrometer working.....all that would be necessary to
prove that it works is a recording of a "no resonance" test.....and a
recording of a "resonance" test........I'm a musician and I've worked in
the sound industry for a long time....I have a keen ear and I understand
harmonics and resonance......I have yet to hear any difference between a
positive and a negative syncrometer test.....I would love for someone to
provide these recordings.....if what you say is true...then her testing
procedures require a PH D .....this is very contrary to her
writings.....according to her anyone can use a syncrometer as long as
you can hear........Robb