Your wrong Robb, her full staff of Syncrometer, lab techs, Dr's at the Syncrometer Training center near San Diego, and the labs in Switzerland, and Sweden, Mexico and several joint operations in Europe, all understand the operation of the Syncrometer testing device, a marvel in electronics. There are numerous Dr's , Chiropractors, Homopathics around the world including the USA, that work daily with the Syncrometer, and also the Mini Plate Zapper, that does some of the same kinds of testing the big Syncrometer does. I have talked with many of them.

I worked for Dr. Clark for a time during their development of the electronic testing equipment. You doubting people have no real idea of how much work has been done in this area over the last 15 yrs. If the Gov. would leave her alone to finish her mission, we would all be better off.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

Robb Allen wrote:

I know a few really brilliant doctors who really wanted to try to learn the Syncrometer method.....and they can' far.....the only person who can understand the squeaks and squeals are Hulda herself.......I've studied and tried and tried.......and like many other people, I would LOVE for Hulda's theories to be real.....but they aren't..........Robb

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Tel Tofflemire <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 1:08 PM
    Subject: Re: CS>Zappers

    Robb, & list:
    You need more study.  Dr. Clark's
    meeting in Seatle, Wash. at the (Rief Zapper Confrence)
    Tel Tofflemire
    Dewey, AZ.

    Robb Allen wrote:

    I think at this point I have to disagree with 2
    things.......first of all
    all of the gadgets in  the terminator are probably there for the
    benefit of those who use it.........and 2nd.....since I have been
    unable to
    find anyone who can admit that they have a "working"
that time I have to dismiss anything I read about Hulda Clark. Almost all
    of her findings are based on the syncrometer and alot of very
    people have tried to get it to work with NO results......  I must
    admit that
    I really want to believe her.......but until I can see
    proof.....I don't
    ..............I do believe that zapper have some uses, but i
    think it is
    MUCH less effective than Hulda clark says......after
    many of us
    have used it for the required time and found that "poof"......our
    are gone.........not me....and not anyone else that I
    know.......I have
    loaned both of my zapper to people with illnesses that it should work
    on.....and I have NEVER seen it work for anyone.........this is the
    internet....we can say anything we choose.....probably 90% of
    what we read
    is a lie......lies are a benefit to those who make money with these
    PS......this is just my opinion.....and I'm not calling anyone a me when I say that I really want to believe hulda

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Jannette Abel" <
    To: < <>>
    Sent: Friday, October 24, 2003 12:51 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>Zapper- design details and MS

    > Here are the details for Don Croft's "Terminator" zapper.
    > It is a modification of Dr. Clark's zapper and an improvement that
    > encourages me to use it...I do not have the patience/mindset to
    use the
    > original zapper design.  I have never been burned by the
    terminals, and
    > it around if wearing for longer than 3 hours.  I have had mine
    for more
    > a year.  I believe that the reason this zapper is so effective
    IS because
    > the additional magnet, mobius coil, crystal and orgone.  They
    all work
    > together to exponentially increase the effectiveness of the
    terminator - a
    > synergistic effect.  It is interesting to see that Dr. Clark
    has added a
    > magnet to her latest improved zapper also.
    > I use it for parasite cleansing and am now experimenting with
    it for
    > gingivitis (which returns if I miss 5 days of CS mouthwash),
    and my "MS"
    > causing parasites.  On the second day of using it (on my
    thigh), I got a
    > huge contraction of what felt like a muscle at the base of my
    scull. This
    > was in the area closest to the hypothalamus of the brain where my
> neurologist had stated that my lesions were primarily located. It felt so
    > tight that it was easy to imagine that the "muscle" would burst
    > skin.  To be honest, it scared me!  I continued using the
    zapper daily
    > (about 3-4 hours), and in a few days the "muscle" seemed to
    have relaxed.
    > did not think anything of it.  A few weeks later I lent my
    zapper to my
    > mother for about 3 weeks.  When I got it back, the first time I
    used it
    > "muscle" again contracted for a few days.  I went on to Dr.
    Clarks site to
    > see if I could find an explanation of this and found this
    explanation for
    > MS:
    > "Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the brain and spinal
    cord. It is
    > called lateral sclerosis if the disease is mainly in the spinal
    > It is caused by fluke parasites reaching the brain or spinal
    cord and
    > attempting to multiply there. Any of the four common flukes may be
    > responsible. Kill them immediately with your zapper and the herbal
    > program. They cannot return unless you reinfect yourself. "
    > I don't know whether to jump for joy (MS should be so easy to
    "cure" with
    > the zapper and CS), or throw up with the nauseating idea of
    "worms" in my
    > brain and trying to escape out the back of my head!!  For a
    moment I even
    > wished my neurologist's explanation that my crazy immune system was
> attacking my perfectly healthy brain cells was really true. After a
    > of total gross-out, and detailed discussions with some fellow
    MSers, we
    > accepted Dr. Clarks theory, and our goal is to stop the
    progression by
    > becoming parasite free, and hopefully with proper care and
    nutrition, try
    > reverse the damage.  Carol Croft has suggested that 12+ hours
    per day
    > be best for MS, so I'm now trying that.  Time will tell.
    > Jannette