Upon stopping my car at the rest stop or gas station, I get a pair of latex
gloves out of the glove box and put them on.  When I get back into the car,
I take them off by turning them inside-out and then drop them out the
window.  I travel with two Mormons, one to open the doors of the gas station
and the other to open and close the doors of the loo.  Also, I never travel
without a couple of cleanex boxes which I place over my feet whenever going
out of my car and remove before re-entering.


Re: CS>RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?

    * From: d.linen (view other messages by this author)
    * Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 05:44:33

On doors that open outward, I push with my elbow to open it.


"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:
> Richard,
> R.e. the point about lavatories: when you go out, use a tissue or paper
towel to open
the door; toss the tissue backward into the trash can as you exit. Favored
technique of careful
epidemiologists and MDs. I kid you not. These people know what's on the
doorknob . . .

> On Friday, Oct 24, 2003, at 22:26 Asia/Tokyo, Richard Harris wrote:
>      Smith, & Mike,
>      I concur, You have the right and responsibility to treat yourself
with something
Natural (CS) that out performs the expensive antibiotics without any side
effects or causing
the pathogen to build antibodies, and with great economy! These are NOT my
ideas, but come
from a company's tests (performed by several US Universities) after having
jumped through the
hoops and proven in laboratory tests for approval by Ghana, West Africa FDA
(see their website:
ASAP silver source--click on & read all references!) They now have millions
of dollars
in contracts in Africa, South America and the far-east and are authorized to
treat: Tuberculosis
(#1 killer); Malaria (#3 killer); Aids; and other terrible diseases that our
own FDA ignores
to protect the profits of the International Pharmaceutical Companies (who
can't profit enough
from CS & want YOU to be ignorant and unable to make, obtain or use CS!)

>      Since, I, like those who share valuable information on this and other
CS sites are
more interested in helping the unfortunate than making big bucks, I
compliment you on having
enough faith in your good, natural remedies to give them a chance to handle
your problem--given
these precautions: 1) Wash hands with soap & CS solution after going to
toilet or handling
infected parts; 2) Don't wipe or rub other body parts, possible transferring
bodily fluids;
3) NO sex or Too friendly activity until your cure is complete--you
certainly don't want to
spread this; 4) NO shaking hands; 5) You can determine other activities to
refrain from until
your cure.

>      From using public restrooms, I have often observed men rushing in,
relieving themselves
& rushing out without any pretense of handwashing. Most doors open inward
and have a door
handle which they can contaminate for others as they leave. I am friendly,
trusting and loving
toward others until they prove they aren't the same; and I have often
considered wearing a
loose sling over my shoulder in which to place my right hand; obviating
"hand shaking", but
give a slight friendly left-hand wave. To date, I have refrained from this
but feel it's not
too far out.

>      Too good Not to Share: A ditty describing a restaurant waiter
approaching a customer:
"Oh what'll you have?" the waiter said, calmly picking his nose! The
observant customer replied,
"2 hard-boiled eggs, you son of a gun, Cause you can't get your fingers on

>      Best regards,
>      Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Smith, Michael [mailto:m.a.sm...@indoverbank.com]

>      Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 12:06 PM
>      To: 'silver-list@eskimo.com'
>      Subject: RE: CS>RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      So those people who are battling HIV, Hep C, MS and Cancer etc by
treating themselves
with natural methods are messing around too? I want to beat this infection
using natural methods
without having to resort to anti-biotics which have always had a bad effect
on me. I think
I have that right.

>      regards
>      Mike
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: David Bearrow [mailto:dav...@sbcglobal.net]

>      Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:48 PM
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Subject: Re: CS>RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      For gonorhea I wouldn't mess around. Get yourself to a doctor quickly
and get some
antibiotics prescribed to you!

>      Smith, Michael <m.a.sm...@indoverbank.com> wrote:
>      Thanks Rob for the suggestions.
>      I'm actually in the process of ordering some GSE as well as some
Olive leaf Extract
as I've heard very good things about that too. If the CS, OLE, GSE combo
doesn't do it for
me - I'll also look into the terminator

>      Thanks again
>      Mike
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Rob Combis [mailto:rcom...@ensatina.com]

>      Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 3:14 PM
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Subject: RE: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      Thanks, Mike.  Are you willing to try anything else to complement
your CS regimen??
>      I think you hit the nail on the head when you said that the CS is not
getting to
the infection.  It can't kill what it doesn't come in contact with.  I think
I might have said
this before, but I had cold sores for the longest time.  I can't remember
when I didn't get
them.  I ran into CS about a year and a half ago.  It has been great for me
and the people
around who are willing to try something 'new'.  Literally everyone who I
make some for has
been sick free since beginning CS.  It is amazing stuff.  But I would still
get cold sores
every few weeks or so.  I started using the terminator zapper around the
middle of august and
I haven't had a cold sore since.  I haven't changed anything else in my
daily routine, but
I use the terminator zapper.  This is my own story that I figured I would
share with you....

>      So I would add 2 things to your CS intake:Grapefruit seed extract
($20 or so at local
health food store) and wear the terminator zapper ($110 online) as many
hours of the day as
you can.  It is easy to wear.

>      Let me know if you would like more info.  Good luck and I hope this
>      Rob
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Smith, Michael [mailto:m.a.sm...@indoverbank.com]

>      Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 10:37 AM
>      To: 'silver-list@eskimo.com'
>      Cc:
>      Subject: CS>RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      Yes Rob -
>      It's Gonorrhea.
>      Mike
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Rob Combis [mailto:rcom...@ensatina.com]

>      Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 2:30 PM
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      Michael-
>      If you don't mind can you let us know where the bacterial infection
is??  This may
help explain why it is only keeping the infection at bay.

>      I would look at including Grapefruit seed extract into your regimen
to complement
your CS intake.  It is also a strong, natural anti-bacterial....

>      RC
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Smith, Michael [mailto:m.a.sm...@indoverbank.com]

>      Sent: Mon 10/20/2003 9:02 AM
>      To: 'silver-list@eskimo.com'
>      Cc:
>      Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      Well first of all there is the sheer volume of water. I personally do
>      want to spend all day drinking litres and litres of water and then
having to
>      run to the toilet to pee 37 times a day!
>      Secondly - Ronald J. Gibbs studied the efficacy of colloidal silver
>      bacteria,(which is of relevance to my current infection) and
concluded that
>      a minimum of 9 parts colloidal silver to 1 part bacteria-laden water
>      required for colloidal silver to be effective in reducing the
>      colony count to one. He further concluded that a 20:1 ratio provided
>      efficacy. Any concentration less than 9 parts CS to 1 part
>      water and the bacteria colony would not be killed off totally and
would then
>      start to multiply again. So what I conclude from this in my current
>      situation is that my 2 litres a day of 10ppm CS for the last two +
>      which has done nothing but keep the infection where it is is not
enough tot! otally
destroy the infection. So the way I see it is that I can drink CS

>      with a higher ppm (of course the best quality, smallest particles,
>      completely clear) OR I can drink more volume of the same CS.
>      I would rather drink CS with a higher ppm at the same volume because:
>      1: Too much volume of water is uncomfortable for me
>      2: The lower ppm CS may not be enough to reduce the bacterial colony
>      sufficiently
>      3: Not enough CS may be reaching the the infected area anyway so
>      drinking a higher pppm CS would get enough down there to do the job.
>      This is just my view based on what I am experiencing and what I have
>      I'm not saying anything is better than anything else - I am just
trying to
>      come to an informed solution to my problem.
>      regards
>      Mike
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: George [mailto:in...@dragonbyte.net]

>      Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 9:05 AM
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Subject: RE: CS>CS and H202 - CS and stabilised oxygen?
>      The only thing you are drinking more of is ... water.  The amount of
>      (in this hypothetical example) would be
>      roughly the same.  Why are you assuming that 10 ppm is in any way
>      than 20 ppm except in the gross
>      amount of silver present?  The ppm value is only a ratio of silver to
>      Regards,
>      George
>      On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:19:05 +0100, Smith, Michael wrote:
>      >I'm sorry but I don't agree. I'd rather drink 2 litres of a stronger
>      product
>      >than 4 litres of a lesser product.
>      >
>      >regards
>      >
>      >Mike
>      >

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