On Fri, 14 Nov 2003 06:47:42 -0600, Stuff <st...@laguna.com.mx> wrote:

>But my understanding, is that u can eat all the protein u can get in
>u and die of starvation if u don't eat some carbs.
>Pure protein will eat u alive, so to speak. Only good in moderation.

That's absolutely incorrect!   Well, half incorrect.  Nobody can live
on pure protein (where do you get it?).  Fats have to be a major part
of your diet (and protein usually comes along for the ride).  

There are people who eat only animal fats and protein all their life
-- NO carbs.  They're considered the healthiest people in the world
(no diabetes, no heart or circulatory problems, no cancers, no
obesity).  Also, some time ago, two NYC MDs decided to run a test on
themselves by eating only meat for a year.  They were carefully
monitored (one lived in Bellevue hospital during the year), and both
were more healthy at the end of the year than when they started.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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