The brain has an almost absolute power to form the body according to what
the mind thinks.
 Variences in treatments have to do with the fact that no one knows what
99.999999% of their mind is doing or why.
 Spontaneous remissions and the successes of the Witchdoctor are rooted
there as well. Both cures and diseases can be instantaneously achieved.
 Circumstances are but plausable excuses.[Justifications]
  Huge tumors have been known to vanish over night and come back just as
big the next week.
 Some people can live in the midst of the most virulant plague and never
get sick...not just "not sick" because their immune system is really good
at fighting, but not sick because they never even had to fight.  The
disease was irrelevent to their purpose.

  It can even be said that the scientific successes [and failures] are a
matter of accepted symbology...that all medicine is magic.
 Any given symbol never means exactly the same thing to any other person as
we each live in an entirely different, but similar in appearance, universe.
 "Mind" transcends the limits of this body and this lifetime. Every event,
be it the fight or the surrender..or the 'non event',  serves the larger
purpose of your 'root' beings desire to experience.

  For the sake of clarity and perspective, 'mind' contains the brain...not
the other way around. 
Brain is the translator and executor, a computer, so to speak.  It doesn't
think, it sorts thought into and out of awareness according to relevance to
the program it's running. [This is why there's no talking to a "believer"]

 The program can be altered.
 Faith healing, prayer, hypnosis and so on [yes, even hospitals and drugs]
are methods of altering programs.
 Often these things are temporary because the old program has merely been
suspended by permission and a new one run 'on approval'. [Failure is by the
same reason]
 No will can conquer another. Each is as equally powerful as the next. [No
one can change anothers mind, they can only persuade it to change will listen in the first place.]

 Look at the symbology of silver.
Rare and valued but not unobtainable. [available to those who seek it]
True Mirror. [reflection]
Communication and trade. [of thought?]
Conductivity...making connection [best electrical and thermal conductor of
all the metals]
 Easily alloyed with or bonded to almost any other metal. [Interfaces]
Noble metal.
 Moon metal [Mother...creation.   Gold is sun metal..Father...influence]


At 09:40 AM 11/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I think it has to do with our bodies resistance.  It is like why can some
people smoke for 50 years and not get lung cancer.  If you eat a lot of
refined (processed) sugars your body will become suceptible to a wide
variety of conditions, including diabetes.  This is not to say that you
will get them.  But you will put your body at a higher risk.  There are
more factors other than diet such as exercise, mental health, stress
levels, genes, etc...These also play a huge part.  I think that if you have
a high carb, high refined sugar diet you are putting yourself at risk and
when you get older you are way more likely to develop conditions like
diabetes.  Like I said before there are other factors...but I think the
bottom line is to avoid refined, processed sugars.  Eating fresh, raw
fruits and vegetables can correct a lot of problems..
>       -----Original Message----- 
>       From: Kimberly Sharples [] 
>       Sent: Fri 11/14/2003 3:21 AM 
>       To: 
>       Cc: 
>       Subject: Re: CS>Diabetes
>       so why do you think it is that some people can eat tons of carbs and
sugars and never get diabetes??? and then others do????
>       I think it contributes, but I don't think it causes it, or everyone who
ate lots of carbs and sugars would have diabetes....
>               ----- Original Message ----- 
>               From: Rob Combis <>  
>               To: 
>               Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 1:32 PM
>               Subject: RE: CS>Diabetes
>               I could not agree more.  This is definitely a condition not a 
> disease.
It is very easily reverseable.  There is an herbal remedies group on yahoo
where you can learn a lot from asking questions about this.  I have learned
a ton there.  Your diet is vital in reversing this.  Stay away from carbs
and especially refined sugars.  As you body gets bombarded with sugar in
order for it to burn off the sugar it excretes insulin.  After a while your
body develops a resistance to insulin and must produce more and more to
burn off the sugar.  This resistance to insulin is called, diabetes.  Here
is a post from the herbal remedies group that talks a little about this.
>                I want to bring up the sugar thing. Eating too much sugar does 
> make you
gain weight because it burns off very slow in our bodies. Sugar is a carb.
It increases your appetite and causes your insulin levels to spike. When
you eat starches, flours, and yeasts your also adding sugar into your body.
>               To burn off these sugars your body puts out insulin. By 
> bombarding your
body with so much sugar for so long, your cells become resistant to the
insulin thats put out to burn all this sugar off and now your body must
produce more and more of it and the result is insulin resistance
(Diabetes). When the FDA told us to cut out meats because it raises our
cholesteral and eat more macaroni and such, it created the largest
generation of Diabetics.
>               I believe (this is my own thoughts) that sugar was not meant to 
> be a
part of a healthy diet for us. It has only negative effects on the body and
nature always balences things out so because sugar has such a bad effect on
us, I dont believe we were ever intended to eat it.  I have done so much
reading on this.
>               -----Original Message----- 
>               From: Dean Miller [] 
>               Sent: Thu 11/13/2003 3:06 PM 
>               To: 
>               Cc:
>Attachment Converted: "e:\eudora 303\attach\winmail3.dat"

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