Hi Ode,

You are SO right. When people start playing around with HVAC arcs and do not have the test equipment to measure what they have, they are making a poisonous brew!!!!

I have investigated almost any protocol that can be thought of with the HVAC NST's.

For those who do not know their chemistry history, Dr. Farber in pre WW1 Germany discovered that he could make nitrates for explosives by forming an arc in air. That is how Germany made their explosives in WW! and WW2.

If you don't know what you are doing leave it alone!!!!!

"Ole Bob" Registered Professional Electrical Engineer !!!!!!

Ode Coyote wrote:

Any time you do this and don't use an inert gas banket, you make nitric acid.
Nitric acid will indeed register on a PPM meter quite well.

I don't suppose it's possible that you're drinking dilute nitric acid with
no gold in it?


CG production: An above water arc is created between gold wire and the
water. Best I can tell, the gold atoms arc into (migrate into) the water
creating the colloidal gold.

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