ELLE wrote:
> > Thank you very much, paula, for explaining to me about how wide-spread
> > iodine is in the average north-american diet.  I still think, though, that
> > it's possible for some people to be low in iodine without being actually
> > deficient.  The USRDA for iodine is 80 - 150mcg.  On the other hand, the
> > average japanese dietary intake of iodine is 10mg (their diet is high in
> > ocean fish and seaweeds).  That's 10 times the amount of the USRDA.
> > Usually, the USRDA is the minimum needed to avoid disease... not for optimum
> > functioning.
> >
> > I'm learning that supplementing iodine, especially when taken as Lugol's
> > solution, must be done with understanding and care.  I have only taken it
> > for a few days now and plan to take it for just two or three weeks.  I won't
> > know for awhile if this supplementation will help my low body temperature
> > (sign of low thyroid) or not... will see.
> >
> > I'm very sorry to hear about your problem with eczema and wish I could offer
> > some information.  Hope you find some relief soon.
> >
> > Elle

> There is a very easy way to test for your level of iodine.  Simply take
> a q-tip, dip it into the iodine and paint a quarter size circle on your
> thigh, stomach...if it is gone in 24hrs, you need more.  You can
> continue in this manner until some is still there after 24 hours.  You
> can also put it on you hand and it will disappear in about 1 hour...
> After you are topped off, check after 3 days or so on.  You'll soon
> figure out how often you need to swab yourself.

Hi Everyone.
It's amazing...I'm on six or seven health-oriented lists, and about five of them
have been discussing iodine and the thyroid in the past few weeks.

Therefore, I have written and posted some articles on the thyroid and iodine on
my website. Go to
http://www.nenahsylver.com/default.asp?contentID=677&toplevel=615 and click onto
everything in the right hand box that starts with the word "Thyroid."

I have found a great deal of information that I think will help clarify some
questions people have.

With love,

Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.
Products, services, and information about health
Author, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*
Order the book and read excerpts at

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