On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 15:53:10 -0800, Craig Chamberlin
<cchamber...@itsmyplace.com> wrote:

>There is a very easy way to test for your level of iodine.  Simply take
>a q-tip, dip it into the iodine and paint a quarter size circle on your
>thigh, stomach...if it is gone in 24hrs, you need more.  You can
>continue in this manner until some is still there after 24 hours.  You
>can also put it on you hand and it will disappear in about 1 hour...

Yup.  But this works best with an iodine tincture, not a water soluble
solution such a Lugol's.  (I couldn't get Lugol's to make a mark on me

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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