Dear Paula & Elle,

Thanks for your contributions to this site!

I agree, the Government Agencies are supposed to inform and help protect WE
THE PEOPLE, who pay their expenses--instead, they sell out to the highest
payers who will profit from their labelling or lack thereof and figuratively
say, "To Hell with The People!" That is one main reason why each individual
MUST accept the responsibility and wake up and take control of our
individual health! Reason with your health care giver; help educate them to
the Natural Healing that God surrounds us with that has nothing to do with
Giant Pharmaceutical Manufacturers who have interest ONLY in their bottom
line and keeping their stockholders happy. In Bob Beck's famous 1996
lecture, he stated that 51% of the stockholders of the above Phamaceutical
Companies are the Mafia--shocking, but probably true--In what other parts of
the market can they invest with a guaranteed huge profit for something that
people feel is essential to support life?

Sorry to get carried away, but these ideas are a burr under my saddle.

Happy New Year and Good Health to ALL!
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

-----Original Message-----
From: sol []
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 8:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT: Pharmacy question / Lugol's

I am not speaking of the USRDA at has nothing at all to do
with the now ubiquitous presence in foods of non-labelled iodine
containing ingredients. Anyone who eats anything is getting a lot more
iodine than they would suppose. And the USDA analyses are not re-done
very often. I have no confidence at all that they reflect the current
madness for iodine containing fertilizers and the like.
It is my personal belief that iodine allergy is much more common than
realized, as there are a lot of people suffering skin allergies and it
is thought that in only 25% of cases is the cause ever found. The near
invisibility of iodine and the fact that even doctors don't often know
that povidone, etc are iodine, makes very likely that it often goes
unrecognized. And in fact, I've read people going in for certain
medical imaging and tests that use injected iodine sometimes die
because of unsuspected iodine allergy which they were not aware they
----- Original Message -----
From: "silversurfer1952 ." <>

> Thank you very much, paula, for explaining to me about how
> iodine is in the average north-american diet.  I still think,
though, that
> it's possible for some people to be low in iodine without being
> deficient.  The USRDA for iodine is 80 - 150mcg.  On the other hand,
> average japanese dietary intake of iodine is 10mg (their diet is
high in
> ocean fish and seaweeds).  That's 10 times the amount of the USRDA.
> Usually, the USRDA is the minimum needed to avoid disease... not for
> functioning.
> I'm learning that supplementing iodine, especially when taken as
> solution, must be done with understanding and care.  I have only
taken it
> for a few days now and plan to take it for just two or three weeks.
I won't
> know for awhile if this supplementation will help my low body
> (sign of low thyroid) or not... will see.
> I'm very sorry to hear about your problem with eczema and wish I
could offer
> some information.  Hope you find some relief soon.
> Elle
> >From: "sol" <>
> >Elle,
> >   Since I've been avoiding iodine (because of increasingly severe
> >allergy) for 19 years now, and still do not have a goiter (MD says
> >no goiter, one is NOT avoiding all iodine completely), I personally
> >find it hard to believe that any person in the U.S. who eats is
> >deficient at all. If I am even close to right, then it would not
> >much direct iodine supplementation to cause excess.
> >   These days, iodine is in everything, sometimes directly added as
> >povidone or crospovidone to multiple vitamins, other
> >supplements, and most OTC drugs such as Tylenol, Advil, etc.
> >Indirectly as sea salt, iodized salt, and the various and
> >multitudinous seaweeed products such as carrageenan, algin, etc.
> >Indirectly also in the basic food supply through seaweed/kelp
> >fertilizers and shellfish/fish feeds......
> >   Look for seaweed thickeners such as carrageenan and algin also
> >toothpastes and many other personal care products, and algin, etc,
> >even in popsicles (popsicles!). Add in that such need not be
> >in many foods/products: you are getting iodine often when the label
> >doesn't say so.
> >   If you add up all the sources of iodine the average american
> >daily, I don't see how anyone needs supplementation. And since I've
> >had eczema for 10 months of the past 12, the unavoidability of
> >is frightening. I'm not talking a simple itch here, but severe
> >discomfort and pain. Not funny.
> >paula
> >
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