according to my information, hydrogen and oxygen are generated in electrolysis at the surface of conductors (e.g. metal electrodes). To enter the body they have somehow to be injected.


Marshall Dudley schrieb:
I have been exploring a number of patents on using a 30 or so khz unipolar
pulses to split water into hydrogen and oxygen (essentially a zapper). This
technique is reported to cause the spitting of the water between the
electrodes, instead of at the electrodes like normal electrolysis, and
bubbles of hydrogen, and oxygen bubble up from the water between the
electrodes at very high efficiency (reported to be over 100% but lets not
get into that).

Now, if this is true, when the water splits, initially H2 and monatomic
oxygen are produced.  Monatomic oxygen will quickly attempt to react with
something, and will end up as either O2 or H2O2.

The result is going to be oxygen and hydrogen peroxide being generated in
many places where it normally would not be, I.E. inside of pathogens. And of
course we all know that H2O2 kills pathogens as well.

I have ordered an old air variable tuner and am going to do some experiments
along this vein.  Perhaps zapping have more than one way it works.


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