On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 17:29:36 +0100, Guenter Poelz <po...@mail.desy.de>

>according to my information, hydrogen and oxygen are generated in 
>electrolysis at the surface of conductors (e.g. metal electrodes). To 
>enter the body they have somehow to be injected.


I think that was Marshall's point.  Using a pulse somewhere in the 30
kHz range, several people have claimed to be able to produce
electrolysis in the gap between the electrodes.  Another claim is that
this method of producing hydrogen is 100+ % efficient (the amount of
gas produced is equal in energy to the amount of energy used to
produce the pulses).

What Marshall was conjecturing, is that, maybe, just maybe, Clark's
zapper works by producing electrolysis inside the body, resulting in
the production of H2O2 within the cells.  It's been known for a long
time that H2O2 will kill pathogens, and it's also been known for many
decades that the body produces H2O2 (through the use of vitamin C and
other stuff) as part of it's immune response.  (See articles by Dr.
William Campbell Douglass).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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