For me it is a matter of priorities.  If you don't make the time to search,
you hand over the power to contribute to your own health.  Especially if it
is something that specifically concerns you.  Learning to do searches takes
a bit of practice, but once mastered, you can filter through as many as 100
pages in about 20 minutes.  What I like to do in a search, is see what the
majority of sites say, what they ALL agree on.  Then, I take the sites that
are different, and dig into their sources a bit more, to see if what they
say has value.  These are often the sites and info that I would put to
others to see if they can help determine if the differences are valid.  It
was this type of searching that led me to CS in the first place.  Most
health sites talked about regular treatments, but a few mentioned
alternative methods.  These I dug into and discovered that many alternatives
worked and had no side effects, and even the regulatory groups really had
nothing bad to say about them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vince Richter []
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2004 7:26 PM
Subject: CS>search engines, was: RE: CS>Phosphorous / Also Silver

People with lots of extra time on their hands? :)


-----Original Message------------------------------
From: Garnet []


How many of you use seach engines FIRST then ask?


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