First off, I'd order fresh organic apricots so I had about 20 to 30 each
day, eating both the fruit and the seeds, especially the seeds.  I'd remove
all grains from my diet, remove pasturized dairy.  Go 100% organic, get real
well water from uncontaminated land (available here where I live in the
untouched mountains of the rockies in Canada).  Beg or borrow some silver
for my machine (I'm still waiting for mine to come in) and drink lots of it.
Get Lorraine Day, MD's book and follow it.  Pull up all the bookmarks I have
on my computer for alternative therapies.

I would do this even if the doctors could do something for me.  I will not
have radiation or chemo, EVER.  From the research I have done, very few of
the regular treatments even address the root cause, and that's what I would
want to tackle.  When I found out that the treatments are classified a
success when the tumors reduce EVEN IF IT KILLS THE PATIENT it made me
completely reevaluate everything I knew about health care.


-----Original Message-----
From: The Hatzfeld's []
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:16 PM
Subject: CS>Cancer - what would you do?

I'm curious, if you were told by the doctor you had cancer and they couldn't
do anything for you except to make you comfortable, what would you do?  Or
what direction would you point a loved one in?

Thanks in advance!!!


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