I tried to generate LVDC titanium and got nothing
but gas bubbles on the two Ti electrodes, until I added
some CS/EIS. An initially weak Tyndall effect began to
grow steadily, or so it seemed. (TE is subjective.)

By the way, there may be an overlooked method of
measuring colloid concentration or size. Searle (1919)
mentions that refractive index changes measurably in
colloidal sols of gold, silver and copper.(p. 81, The
Use Of Colloids In Health And Disease.)
Hollow prisms for observing refraction by liquids are
on the market. I conjecture that viewing a finely
graduated ruling through such a prism with a 
theodilite or transit would give a sensitive way of
measuring refractive index, and additional info
about the sol.

Best regards,
