From what I've gathered on the subject from various searches:

Silver will cross the blood brain barrier. [ Has been found in the brains
of autopsied cadavers but not mentioned as a 'cause' of anything]

Silver has an affinity for damaged brain and nerve cells [is used in a
staining process to highlight damaged areas]

..which doesn't mean that the silver 'caused' the damage. It may have, in
fact, repaired or neutralized the damaged areas and any loss of function, a
matter of some other cause 'highlighted' by a silver deposit.
 It's a phenomenon that could easily be misinterpreted.

The plaques of Alzheimer's disease are seen here with a silver stain. Such
plaques are most numerous in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. This
dementia is marked mainly by progressive memory loss.

# Cerebrum, Alzheimer's disease, plaque, microscopic, Bielschowsky silver
# Cerebrum, Alzheimer's disease, tangle, microscopic, H&E stain
# Cerebrum, Alzheimer's disease, tangle, microscopic, Bielschowsky silver

This study combined a 3-dimensional imaging program with a cupric silver
stain for neuronal degeneration in order to determine the location and
extent of a focal lesion produced by MK-801 (dizocilpine maleate)


At 10:35 AM 3/16/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>My experiments indicate that a gold silver alloy will form a colloid.  I had
>some special wire made up to be 50% gold and 50% silver on an atom count.
>It made colloidal gols/silver quite easily.
>However I never used it because I became concerned with what the effect may
>be on the brain.  It appears that gold crosses the blood brain barrier but
>silver does not.  There are reports that silver is toxic to neurons,
>although some on this group do not agree.  Anyway, I became concerned that
>the silver/gold particles may be able to cross the blood brain barrier, and
>then cause neurological damage to the brain.  On the other hand since CG is
>usually used for mental reasons, crossing the barrier is essential for this
>I believe. Thus if the alloy does not cross the barrier, then the usefulness
>of CG would be questionable.
>It is for these reasons that although I find that making a CS/CG colloid
>easy from an alloy, I hesitate to test it on myself.
>"Charlie Smith (Volt)" wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been lurking a while. This is my first attempt at a post, so please
>> bear with me if I manage to screw something up. I promise to get it
>> right sooner or later.
>> Having said that, I've been following the thread on Colloidal Gold with
>> interest. At first glance, it seems unlikely that Sam has produced a
>> true colloid, If he has, it is not pure. Some percentage of it is
>> silver. (Sam, I apologize if this sounds like a criticism. It is not.
>> Please keep reading). However, let me propose a mechanism by which it
>> might be working. I will not be able to test this until I can get some
>> gold wire (however, I have some 4 9's gold coins which I might attempt
>> to use).
>> The process in question starts with ionic silver as a catalyst. The
>> polarity of the DC is reversed 4 times over the course of 2 hours (every
>> 30 minutes).  Is it possible that the ionic silver is plating out,
>> creating a Silver/Gold alloy, and then when the charge is reversed, the
>> silver breaks away carrying some gold with it?
>> I think Sam might be on to something, It wouldn't pay to dismiss it too
>> lightly. I believe that Gold has been shown to have anti-viral and
>> anti-inflammatory properties similar to if not stronger than those of
>> Silver.
>> charlie
>> .
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