Hi folks,
There is a quite severe critique and warning against CS on this Site, details of which were sent to me by a relative doing a Search after my talking very positively about CS ........ and "Dr Jon"



By  <mailto:philip.bre...@sci.monash.edu.au>Phil Brewer

I read with interest the letter COLLOIDAL SILVER WORKING ON PSORIASIS in <http://chetday.com/tip.html>Health & Beyond Weekly No. 123, written by Greg and decided to briefly present to you my reading on the matter.

Having been personally severely damaged on more than one occasion by the Medical Industry, I do take anything published with a grain of salt, but would appreciate any commentary pointers about these matters - particularly the references to argyra.

( I am trying to build a "Dr Jon" type generator and have only been awaiting finding a source of Canadian Maple Leaf 9999 Silver Dollars at an affordable price . [ Buying them from Canadian/US Dealer Sources is really financially insane from Oz and I'm hoping to find someone who will help me out on a private level who has a simple Paypal or CC account for me to pay them - with a reasonable margin for their effort.]

