After all the discussion about Stan Jones, here is his

An interview with Stan Jones, the 2002 Libertarian
Senate candidate from Bozeman, Montana who news media
outlets have claimed “turned blue” from taking
colloidal silver:   


On 10-3-02 a friend in the nutrition industry
forwarded to me a CNN news article that had been
circulating on the internet. The news article
basically stated that Montana Senate candidate Stan
Jones had “turned blue” from taking daily doses of
colloidal silver between 1999 and 2001. This story
soon began circulating widely on the internet, and was
even picked up by the British Broadcasting Company
(BBC) web site.   

On 10-4-02 I called Mr. Jones’ campaign office and
left a message on his answering machine introducing
myself as a health writer and publisher, and asking
him to return my call. I explained that I hoped to be
able to speak with him briefly about colloidal silver
usage and the information in the news articles that
had been circulating on the internet regarding his
skin discoloration. I asked if he would clarify some
points so that I could relay the information to the
readers of my publications who may be interested in
the proper and safe usage of colloidal silver. On
10-8-02 at approximately 1:30 p.m. (PST) Mr. Jones
returned my telephone call. 

My Notes: 

I began by thanking him for returning my call, and
promising not to take up too much of his valuable
time.  “I know you are in the middle of a busy
election campaign so I’ll try to keep this brief. Your
case is very unusual, something of an anomaly,” I
began. “Yes, yes, very unusual,” he answered, “this
normally doesn’t happen with colloidal silver usage.” 
He continued, “However, the first thing I want to tell
you is that I am not as blue as the news media is
making me out to be. At certain times there is what I
suppose you could call a bluish-gray tinge on the skin
under my eyelids and perhaps a little on my lips. And
the skin under my finger nails also has a tinge of
discoloration to it. On some days the discoloration
seems to be more pronounced, and on other days it is
barely visible, if at all. Most people who meet me
never even notice it, but on occasion some do. The
spin that the media has put on this story is not at
all accurate. It is highly exaggerated. The
discoloration is very minimal. I have not ‘turned
blue.’ The extent of skin discoloration is not even
remotely near what the news media are saying. It is
very minor and generally barely noticeable.”  

I told him I had a number of questions that I hoped he
could answer, so that other people interested in using
colloidal silver could do so from a more informed
perspective. He replied, “Let me tell you what
happened first, and that will probably answer most of
your questions...I began taking colloidal silver in
1998 while I was living in Washington state.  I had
done some research on Y2K and learned of colloidal
silver and its powerful natural antibiotic qualities
through that research...I started out using distilled
water to make my colloidal silver, but I soon switched
to tap water(1) because I erroneously believed the tap
water in Washington State was relatively pure and
mineral free. I added saline drops(2) to the tap water
to increase the electrical conductivity of the
solution. To make the colloidal silver I used a device
composed of three nine volt batteries (3) along with
two silver wires that were .999 fine in purity. I was
making the colloidal silver solution in a small
plastic cup (4) at that time. That was my introduction
to colloidal silver...In 1999 I moved to Montana. At
this time I began drinking about eight ounces a day of
colloidal silver, using an eight minute generation
period. I was still making it in tap water, and of
course, I had no idea what concentration I was making.
At that time I kept a two gallon jug of water in the
refrigerator, so I started making very concentrated
eight ounce batches of colloidal silver, and adding it
to the two gallon jug of water in the refrigerator(5).
To make these concentrated batches, I used a one hour
generation process.  I was still using tap water to
make these initial highly concentrated (6) eight ounce
batches of colloidal silver which I was then adding to
my drinking water (7).” 

At this point in the conversation I interrupted and
told Mr. Jones about the research from the late 1960's
in which doctors had given rats extremely high dosages
of silver in water, relative to their body weights,
and discovered that the silver solution at those high
dosages had a very toxic effect on the rat’s livers. 
This toxic effect on their livers appeared to shut
down the process by which silver is carried from the
body and excreted.  I explained that the doctors had
discovered something very interesting:  when they
supplemented the rats with vitamin E and selenium, the
liver damage and resulting toxicity was completely
negated, and the rats were then able to ingest these
relatively large dosages of silver with no problem.  I
asked Mr. Jones if he was aware of this research, and
he said he was not.  I asked if he had been taking a
daily multi-vitamin/mineral supplement containing
vitamin E and selenium at all during the period of
time he had been using colloidal silver in Washington
state and Montana, and he said he did not think he had
been.  He stated, “Of course we know for a fact that
the body is able to process colloidal silver quite
well, if it is made correctly and the dosage levels
and concentrations are not too high.  I think it is
when colloidal silver is incorrectly made using tap
water or sources other than distilled water, and is
taken at higher dosages and concentrations for long
periods of time that minor problems like the one I’ve
experienced can result.” 

He then stated that since he first started noticing
the minor skin discoloration a year ago, he began
studying colloidal silver usage more carefully, and
has learned there are many variables to take into
consideration when making colloidal silver.  He said,
“Even things like the type of water you use to make
your silver solution, the size of the silver wire you
use, the length of the time and the electrical voltage
at which you generate the silver, the resulting
concentration you produce in terms of parts per
million, and many other factors, all of which can make
a big difference in the final result.”  He stated that
he has since learned that some people strain their
homemade colloidal silver through a paper coffee
filter in order to remove larger particles, so that
they are only ingesting the tinier particles that make
it through the filter.  He said he now believes the
tinier particles are easier for the body to process. 

I asked him if he had any advice for users of
colloidal silver, in terms of things they can do to
avoid the apparently minor problem he has encountered
with skin discoloration.  He said that people should
be sure to use nothing but pure distilled water to
make their colloidal silver, and that they should be
very careful in regards to the dosages and
concentrations they take.  “Don’t use tap water to
make your colloidal silver.  Use pure distilled water
only.  And don’t take very large dosages or strong
concentrations for long periods of time.”   

I asked him how he felt about the media’s take on his
story, and he stated once again that he felt it was
highly exaggerated, and in fact was being blown out of
proportion.  “I am not blue,” he reaffirmed, “but
there is some minor skin discoloration in small areas
on my face and hands which is occasionally noticeable,
though not always.”  I asked him why he felt the skin
discoloration seemed to be more noticeable on some
occasions and barely perceptible on others, and he
stated that he did not know. 

I further asked if he felt the FDA would attempt to
use his case in order to bolster their attempts to ban
colloidal silver.  He stated, “It doesn’t matter if
they do, because we now know how to produce colloidal
silver ourselves.  We don’t need the FDA.  We have the
means of production at our fingertips.  They can’t
stop us from using it.  I am convinced it is a very
powerful and effective natural antibiotic, and that it
is relatively safe when made and used correctly.” 

I asked whether he was still taking colloidal silver
and he said “No. Not at this time.  I stopped using it
last year after I first noticed the slight skin
discoloration.  But I can feel a cold coming on right
now, so I am going to start using it again.”  He
stated that during the entire time he had been taking
colloidal silver he had not been sick, not even so
much as a cold.  “Now that I’ve learned more about how
to make colloidal silver correctly using distilled
water, and to watch the dosage and concentration
levels, I will start using it again.” 

At this point in the conversation Mr. Jones was
interrupted by the arrival of guests (I could hear him
telling someone to come in and take a seat and that
he’d be with them momentarily).  I assumed he was
calling from his campaign office.  I thanked him
profusely for taking time out of his busy schedule to
speak with me.  He asked me to name the two
nutritional supplements that helped prevent silver
toxicity in the study I had mentioned earlier, and I
told him they were vitamin E and selenium, and that
the daily dosages I had read about were 200 to 400 IU
of vitamin E and 200 micrograms of selenium.  He
stated that he thinks the daily vitamin/mineral
supplement he now uses has those levels of vitamin E
and selenium in them.  I asked if he wanted me to send
him a copy of the research on vitamin E and selenium
in conjunction with silver usage, and he said it would
not be necessary.  He concluded by stating once again
that he is convinced colloidal silver usage is
completely safe as long as it is made properly, and
the dosage levels and concentrations are not overly

I then wished him luck on his campaign for the Senate
seat in Montana.  He said “thank you” and we hung up.

For comments on this interview, see:

Here are further comments from Stan:

Here's my standard response. I think it answers most
of your questions. 

Don't stop what you're doing. Colloidal silver has
been so completely researched that we know it is very
safe. Many people don't see any difference in my skin.
This news blast started because a reporter who saw me
in a debate in Great Falls, Montana interviewed me and
published a story with a doctored photo (made my face
decidedly blue). The associated press picked the story
up and put it all on the Internet. 

(Added note: See the photo in the news story.)

To answer your questions: 

1) I use a generator with three nine-volt batteries
connected in series (27 volts D.C.); 

2) I started taking colloidal silver in Seattle where
the tap water is generally free from minerals. I added
a few drops of salt water to improve the conductivity.
When I moved to Montana 1998, I continued to use tap
water but here it is full of minerals. I never had it

3) I made my solution in an eight ounce paper cup,
conducting the current for one hour. I then added one
half of this solution to two gallons of drinking water
that I kept in my refrigerator. I have no idea what
the PPM of this solution was. 

4) I drank my water over the entire day , but mostly
in the evening after work. I have no idea how much I
drank during any day. 

5) I never filtered the solution. 

6) People began to tell me my complexion was getting
"pale" or "green" or "blue." I never noticed the
difference in my mirror every day. I did notice that
under my finger nails was turning blue -- like a lack
of oxygen. That's probably the first sign. No other
part of my body shows any indications. 

I hope this is helpful. I know that I am an unusual
case -- only the second or third case to be reported.
If you are as careful as you indicate, you have
absolutely nothing to worry about. Stay healthy. You
are with millions of other Americans that take silver.
Here's a good web site to visit 

Best wishes 

Yours for good health and freedom 

Stan Jones, Libertarian Candidate for the U.S. Senate

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