I would use extreme caution nebulizing H2O2! As it will characteristicly
foam up in the lungs and cut off your air supply!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: <fig...@comcast.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>lung congestion

> Many thanks for all the information!! All of it.  I will cautiously try
> with CS etc. I am using the CS/DMSO/MSM as it is with Harbor Freight
> nebulizer
> There was a doctor who claimed H2O2 in an IV drip would percolate oxygen
> of the lungs and cure emphysema over 10 sessions. Gunk would be
> expectorated.
> e_therapy.html
> "It also clears the lungs, in cases of emphysema, by producing oxygen
> bubbles in the alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs), literally lifting the
> mucus deposits up, so they can be coughed out."
> http://goodshape.net/H2O2.html
> Dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard Harris" <yr...@cfl.rr.com>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>; <v...@powerlessons.net>;
> Cc: "Richard Harris" <yr...@cfl.rr.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:19 AM
> Subject: RE: CS>lung congestion
> > Hi Dan,
> >
> > Thanks for your prompt reply. I make my CS with ONLY .999 pure Silver 1
> oz. ingots, Walgreens sodium-free, micro-filtered, ozonated,
> water (many distilled waters are obtained by chemicals--NOT steam
> in a glass gal.(128 oz--3,840cc) wide-mouth ex-pickle jug with a Radio
> 13.5/30v 1000mA AC Adapter (#273-1668) at the 30 v setting for a couple
> hours with an aquarium stone bubbler (Elite 799) for stirring, (seeded at
> the start with approximately 4 oz. of good previously-made CS to speed
> electrolysis--NO other additives)in an airconditioned lab with air-intake
> filter + ultra-violet light in air-flow--in addition, we allow NO smokers
> pets in our home keeping dust & mites to a minimum & assuring No
> compound-producing air-borne problems: upon completion determined by time
> red laser beam for desired Tyndal, I then add 4 cc H2O2 USP
> (medicinal-grade) 3%(long-handled ice-teaspoon) to 1 gal CS. 2 drops of
> food-grade (35%) H2O2 would be a good approxi!
> >  mation of the strength, and I hold down cost and forego the possible
> dangers of using and handling the more caustic 35%. My resulting product
> crystal-clear with a nice Tyndal beam and God blesses it with wonderful
> healing effects & testimonies--including bladder Cancer healing; cysts
> disappearing; increased energy; personal under-arm deodorant; chronic
> sinusitis relief; external antiseptic and many other problems. I began by
> Giving FREE the first Qt CS, then charging $20/gal--According to Bob BECK,
> 85% of people sound interested, but on next contact after receiving your
> Gift & asked about their results & opinion of CS usage, was usally told, I
> haven't used it yet--I'm waiting to ask my Doctor. After contemplating, I
> decided to SELL CS at a very low, but reasonable price $10/qt; $15/1/2 gal
> $25/gal; so those who got CS had a small amount of Financial Investment
> Biblically, "Where your treasure is, there is your heart"--Now those who
> invest in CS, USE it and can rece!
> >  ive favorable results and usually become regular users. (I sen!
> >  d a 3-pa
> > ge list of many CS uses upon request to www.rharrisinc.com -- on
> I also share my CS/H2O2/MSM/DMSO preparation formula for use in Walgreens
> mini ultrasonic nebulizer that has relieved many lung problems.)
> >
> > Didn't mean to run-on so, but you can tell I'm thrilled about the
> and effectiveness of CS  usage and helping others with unaffordable
> that Allopathic Medicines don't seem to touch. You can vary & increase the
> H2O2 amount, keeping in mind that 5 ppm CS alone is usually 100% effective
> after several hours; by adding H2O2, you speed-up the action, but add a
> taste that many do not appreciate. Also, my wife & I (ages 81--who enjoy
> excellent health--with a few problems) take & use oral CS + double amount
> Gatorade) daily and extra as needed + we use V's Godzilla/BECK
> ($85 + $5 S&H US) for an hour each night + I'm experimenting daily with
> new Array. I have NO financial connection with V, but we admire and
> appreciate his expert, professional workmanship, his integrity, his
> and the fact that V monitors these Sites and is very handy and eager to
> share his expertise and vast knowledge with "us-seekers"--V can be reached
> at: v...@powerlessons.!
> >  net.
> >
> > If I can help please let me know.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist
> >
> --
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