
Thanks for this.

Pity the poor rodent.

Other rodents have suffered to show that beta glucan is also a powerful anti-toxin. People in the bioterrorism field consider beta glucan an important all-purpose prophylactic/therapeutic agent. In time it may become THE substance to take in an emergency. I regret I lack time to keep up with the research, but I do recommend familiarity with this substance as well as DMSO.


On Thursday, Apr 22, 2004, at 22:46 Asia/Tokyo, Garnet wrote:

I doubt they were dealing with Botulism, more likely Salmonella. Even E.
Coli would have been worse than what they had. Please do not conclude
that it is safe to risk Botulism toxins, they are not active organsims,
they are the end result and are chemicals that will NOT respond to CS,
since it kills organisms and does not inactivate endotoxins.

On another note when dealing with endotoxins here is an interesting
abstract of an article on DMSO use.

Dimethyl Sulfoxide Antagonizes Hypotensive, Metabolic, and Pathologic
Responses Induced by Endotoxin
Daniel J. Brackett, Megan R. Lerner, and Michael F. Wilson

Research Service, VA Medical Center and the Departments of Medicine and
Anesthesiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Circulatory Shock 33:156-163 (1991)

There is evidence that free radical activity may be important in the
development of endotoxemia. Dimethyl sulfoxide is a hydroxyl radical
scavenger that readily penetrates cell membranes. Using the conscious,
instrumented rat this study tests the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to
modify the course of endotoxemia by evaluating cardiovascular,
metabolic, and tissue injury parameters for 4 hr after the toxic insult.
Treatment with dimethyl sulfoxide (6.5 g/kg; i.p.) evoked significant
decreases in cardiac output, stroke volume, and central venous pressure
and increases in heart rate, systemic vascular resistance, mean aortic
pressure, respiration rate, and concentrations of blood glucose and
plasma lactate. Following endotoxin (40 mg/kg, i.v. LD90-24 hr),
dimethyl sulfoxide pretreatment blocked the early hypotensive episode
but all other cardiovascular and respiratory responses to endotoxin were
essentially unaltered. The pH, PO2, PCO2, and hematocrit were the same
for both treated and untreated groups; however, dimethyl sulfoxide
prevented the endotoxin-induced hypoglycemia and significantly
attenuated the hyperlacticemia at 4 hr. The severe hemorrhagic
intestinal pathology characteristic of this model of endotoxemia was not
present in the dimethyl sulfoxide treated group. From these results we
conclude that dimethyl sulfoxide caused significant cardiovascular
alterations conducive to impaired systemic blood flow. However, when
administered prior to endotoxin, dimethyl sulfoxide induced significant
beneficial modifications in the course of endotoxemia despite few
improvements in cardiovascular function. The data indicate that the
hydroxyl radical may be a mediator of tissue injury in this model of

On Wed, 2004-04-21 at 21:23, Jason Eaton wrote:
Hiya Steve:

That's from Bob Lee... Here's his account, with the names and locations removed ( sorry about the name's removed, I use this on our testimonials
section ):

Greeting Glorious Ones of CS,

A Test: Do not do this at home.

A few military friends of mine got together last week for the usual yak-yak about military things. The talk came around to the anthrax shots. I opened my mouth and said they wouldn`t need them if all the military were taking colloidal silver. A long discussion then went on, at the end we had decided
to set up a real "he-man", "macho", "walk the walk" test.

Cold brew will do things to normally intelligent people. This was not a smart thing to do, but please consider who our small group is. One was me, [ name removed ], ex-seal from Nam, One ex-Army Ranger, [ name removed ], from Desert Storm, and one ex 82nd Air Borne from Bosnia, [ name removed ],
(paratrooper). I`m the oldest, they are young guys.

The test was to eat rotten meat and see if the colloidal silver would
prevent problems. We agreed that if anyone became ill we would wait for at least a 103 F degree fever before taking colloidal silver. If it (the CS) did not work we would go to the ER at a fever of 105 degrees F. The ER was
only a few blocks away at [ name removed ] Hospital.

Then we decided that one, [ Observer ], would be the observer, and the other
two would eat the rotten meat. Then we decided that one meat would be
treated with colloidal silver and one not. OK, so here we go to [ name
removed ]'s house and get the rotten meat he was going to throw out, it smelled very bad and strong. [ Name Removed ] is baching, so whats new. We
made two patties of about 1/4 lb each, hamburger size.

One was put in a bowl and CS poured over it and kneeded well in the CS and made into a patty again. The other one was untreated. We drew straws to see who got each patty. I got the CS one and [ Victim ] got the untreated one. We ate them, with a little beer to blunt the taste of them. Really macho.
:-) Then we waited.

After half an hour [ Victim ] developed a stomach ache, which proceeded to get worse. He had classical symptoms of food poisoning (botulism). I did not develop any symptoms at all. His temperature began to rise so we decided to use the CS right away at about 101.5 F. [ Victim ] took four tablespoons of CS every 15 minutes for 90 minutes (1 1/2 hrs). Temperature held steady then began dropping; took CS at four tablespoons every 30 minutes, and by the end
of four hours he was feeling normal again.

Continued CS at four tablespoons once an hour until the end of six hours just to make sure the botulism was gone. That was Saturday, now its Monday and still OK. The colloidal silver was 9ppm, active. So what does it prove
(besides our dumb idea)?

Well, the colloidal silver treated meat was rendered safe. This showed that CS can treat rotten food in an emergency if need be with CS. It proved to us
it would stop botulism. I usually take CS before eating out anyway.

It proved we shouldn`t drink so much at one time. Now [ names removed ] are using colloidal silver. :-) Now I feel better about them and their health.

Bless you [ Name Removed ]

----- Original Message -----
From: "S & J Young" <>
To: "Silver List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 7:02 PM
Subject: CS>The Foolish Experiment

Some years ago someone posted a very interesting and humorous account of
and his buddies
 having a few drinks, then deciding to try an ill-advised
experiment by eating some very spoiled food - meat I think. They got
ill, then drank some CS (or EIS for you purists) and quickly recovered.

If someone has that account, I and probably most of the rest of the list
 would appreciate seeing it reposted.

  --Steve Y.

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