Why do some people who never pay any attention to healthy living, live to
be very old with no medical problems?
 I think that  medicine, health and illness, all, are symbolic in nature.
 This would fit perfectly into the context of a symbolic reality.

Experience is real, the reality that experience takes place in isn't.
[Whatever you experience is irrelevant to the reality..sorta.]


At 08:38 PM 4/25/2004 +1000, you wrote:
>Hi folks,
>The most frustrating thing in scientific controlled testing is placebo
>When testing a drug three groups are needed:
>1. Get the drug
>2. Get a fake (water)
>3. Get nothing, told nothing, just observed normally. ( vis ordinary 
>population with that symptom set)
>It is CLINICALLY  recognised that up to 30% of the groups 2 and 3 will 
>BTW: MOST drugs approved today are approved on efficacy rates as low as 
>****************** WHY do the 30% recover?
>They are actually observable to anyone with open eyes (3rd ones?).  These 
>are the positive ones.
>It would appear that even the most die-hard should accept that the mind is 
>a powerful component of all healing, thus it is highly likely that negative 
>states promote negative health.........
>Sadly, one group with whom I've had most contact have 100% termination rate 
>UNLESS they self-manage their affliction and my observation is that "cause 
>often shows the cure".
>Not even quarts of CS can help a negative mind!
>Nor can even a positive mind can help if the afflicted stays in the zones 
>that created the illness.  ( Modern food, modern drugs, modern lifestyle)
>In watching almost a thousand successful cures of the big C , every one 
>that was successful *absolutely* required a total lifestyle overhaul - 
>otherwise it *does* come back and the worst form of re-infection is from 
>the mind.
>Big C, MS, Lyme, whatever your case, unless massively interfered with by 
>modern medicine, you can leave it behind.
>"Dead Man Walking"  (20 years later)

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