Since it's an "industrial solvent", suggesting that it can be used as a
biological transport tool would make it belong to a different catagory.
Saying 'not for topical use' implies that use.
 If one is to avoid reclassification, one must not make warnings pertaining
to that classification.
 DMSO was BANNED as a drug for human use and only survives as an industrial
solvent ... sold in feed stores.
 That's funny!

 It's sort of the same position we're in with CS.
 We can't say or even imply what it's for if we sell it...nor can people
who sell DMSO.
 Call it a catch 22 loophole. [We, the FDA, can't define either as a drug
unless you do.  We the FDA can't tell people not to do something they're
'not doing'.  We the FDA cannot outlaw the 'substance'. It would be like
outlawing air as dangerous because some people have died by intentional
hyperventilation. Besides that, we, the FDA, really like getting paid in
silver. Regulating the size of the coins could be a real legal problem.
Betcha can't find just one, and how many make a dime?]

 It's NOT a mineral supplement because there's no RDA for silver and,
unlike copper or zinc, no known environmental niche in the body...which is
probably why it works and little has developed a resistance to it or use
for it...BECAUSE silver is not a part of that system and is ,therefore,
free to roam.
 Both colloidal copper and colloidal zinc kills microbes...but both get

 The definition of 'mineral supplement' is loose enough that we can say
mineral supplement even if it's not true.

..well, it is a mineral and I can eat sand for a supposed silicon dioxide
deficiency if I want to.
 But if I sell YOU sand....and make claims or recommendations pertaining to
other than morter mix....

 Wanna buy a hammer and anvil? ["sand" generator]

 DMSO, an industrial solvent sold in feed stores and country general
stores, for what purpose?
 Most solvents have a list of uses on the label...thinning paint, removing
glue etc.  Not DMSO.
 I've never heard what it's for, only what it's NOT for...which is how it's
most commonly used, but definitely not labeled as such.

 I used to see great big signs in general store windows. "WE HAVE DMSO!".
That's IT.  No reason WHY they have DMSO. Don't you dare even ask!
 Go figger!
 LOL's just a way to look the other way instead of doing something that
can't be done.

Or, if you can't make sense, make nonsense and do it as though you're not.
 It's just as useful, but you can't talk about it and make sense.

At 10:38 PM 4/30/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Then perhaps they should require a warning on the DMSO bottles that you
>should not wipe toxic materials on your skin and then follow with DMSO?  It
>could be called the DUH warning!  :)
>Jean Baugh
>> This is probably the basis of their 'alarm':
>> "...A good solvent; may result in the increased skin absorption of
>> other more toxic materials...".
>> jr
>> --
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