On Sat, 2004-05-01 at 07:18, Ode Coyote wrote:

>  DMSO was BANNED as a drug for human use and only survives as an industrial
> solvent ... sold in feed stores.

It was banned for human use when it was found in the 60's to have ocular
effects in rabbits, the standard lab model for eyes. Well it does not do
this to primates or humans. It is no longer banned. It is approved for
use in animals for musculoskeletal disorders and in humans for
interstitial cystitis (bladder thickening). Because it is approved it is
legal everywhere and for any use. And it seems to me that humans are
animals and it is animal models that are used to establish safety for
humans in drug research.

>  It's NOT a mineral supplement because there's no RDA for silver and,
> unlike copper or zinc, no known environmental niche in the body...which is
> probably why it works and little has developed a resistance to it or use
> for it...BECAUSE silver is not a part of that system and is ,therefore,
> free to roam.

The human body contains 2 mg of Silver in an average 70 kg person
according to the standard lab reference Elements by John Elmsley,
science writer at Cambridge University. Still looking for information on
where this 2 mg is in body tissues. Anyone??

It is considered a trace mineral in the body. No RDA simply means the
research has not been done. For years there was no RDA for Zinc, once
someone developed the technology to measure it in the minute amounts it
is present all the Vitamin companies were touting its benefit and even
encouraging over dose amounts in throat lozenges.

>  I've never heard what it's for, only what it's NOT for...which is how it's
> most commonly used, but definitely not labeled as such.

A hardware store salesman once told me it is one of the ingredients in
WD 40, could be, I dunno, I can't smell the garlic when I use WD. But it
is used in industry as it is a very good solvent for oils. One of the
reasons it penetrates skin and cell membranes so well.

> Or, if you can't make sense, make nonsense and do it as though you're not.
>  It's just as useful, but you can't talk about it and make sense.



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