From: "Marshall Dudley" <>
> I believe tags are caused by viruses.  In some cases CS can help, and
you can
> cut them off.  I have also tied a thread around their base, and they
fall off in
> a few days.

Hi Everyone,
This is my first post here, I've been happily lurking and learning about
the benefits of CS (which I'm also happily making and drinking like

I'd like to add to the skin tag thread that to my knowledge, and from my
research going back some years, these are due to sugar eating, and/or a
higher than normal sugar level in the blood.
It is said that these are a warning that diabetes could be in one's
future. I believe this statement could  be verified by a simple web

I first became aware of these 20 years ago when my then husband began
sprouting these little tags. At the time I had no idea what they were
from. I found out from my children that their father has indeed been
dxed with Type II diabetes about 4 years ago. I would add that his
dietary habits are notoriously atrocious and that he is a carb fanatic!

Unfortunately I also have a life long love of sweets which has been very
difficult to get under control, and I have had a few of these tags crop
up. Knowing that the essential oil of cinnamon has been found to have
glucose lowering effects in diabetics, I rubbed that on the tags for a
few days and they have dried up and fallen off.
I had one other instance with a large tag, years ago, that formed where
I had been badly sunburned in the past. I didn't know of the glucose
connection at that time, so I used some of Dr Christopher's Black
Ointment on a bandage over it, and it, too, just shriveled up and fell
off---leaving no trace that it had ever been there.

Needless to say, I also keep an eye on my blood glucose---just in case.

I thought I'd share this in case anyone else had the same squeamish
reaction that I did, upon hearing that some of you adventurous people
were cutting them off!


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