On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 04:52, elle roberts wrote:
>> Does anyone wonder how wars start?

Dr. David Hawkins indicates 80% of the world have consciousness around
the 200 MHz level. Pride and Scorn play an active role in one's life.
ACTIVE PROMOTION of FEAR enables skilled historic leaders to control the
masses when kept at below this level.  Over 250 MHz, individuals lean more
to neutrality and trust within themselves.  Inspiring, hopeful, willingness,
optimism and intention are valued at about 300 MHz. When one goes higher
and higher, as evidenced by leaders in their field, people 'throw out' the
old books and create new models based on systems of greater efficiency.

Power vs Force
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behaviour
by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

All human endeavour has the common goal of understanding or influencing
human experience. To this end, man has developed numerous descriptive
and analytical disciplines: Morality, Philosophy, Psychology, and so on....
Regardless what branch of inquiry one starts from - philosophy, political
theory, theology-all avenues of investigation eventually converge at a
common meeting point: the quest for an organized understanding of
the nature of pure consciousness... To explain that which is simple can be
difficult indeed. Much of this book is devoted to the process of making the
simple obvious. If we can understand even one simple thing in depth, we
will have greatly expanded our capacity for comprehending the nature of the
universe and life itself.  David R. Hawkins, M.D. Ph.D. Sedona, Arizona,
December 2001

"Our study (Power vs. Force) correlates well with Rupert Sheldrakes¹s
Morphogenetic Fields" hypothesis as well as Karl Pribrams¹s holographic
model of brain-mind function.  Note that in a holographic universe the
achievements of every individual contribute to the advancement and
well-being of the whole.)

Our study also correlates with the conclusions reached by Nobelist Sir John
Eccles that the brain acts as a receiving set for energy patterns residing
in the mind itself, which exist as consciousness expressed in the form of
thought.  It is the vanity of the ego that claims thoughts as Œmine.¹

Genius, on the other hand, commonly attributes the source of creative leaps
of awareness to that basis of all consciousness which as traditionally been
called Divinity."

There is science whose underlying purpose is to support their product or
industry. What about the value of anecdotal evidence?   When are we going
 to wake up as a human race that it is divine, and we can all do it within?


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