
When I see sick teens, with what 40 year olds used to have, and youngsters
of 40 struggling with what 60 year olds used to have... When I see folks
unable jump out of the chains of what the Dr. said... What you say is true.

They even have support groups for young girls without breasts.  I'm glad
they've support - it's almost exclusively one health protocol - the lop &
chop group with artificial hormones & SSRI's to help deal with 'reality'.  I
need to go out in the sun to garden & dig up old roots that irritate me...

> Time is on our side because most of the skeptics are the ones who are dying
> out at a MUCH faster rate.  Not funny but true!
> Jean Baugh
> **********************************
>> Thus understanding there is communication across the morphic fields, how
>> could these proven principals be put to use to expand the use of CS,
>> awareness of DMSO, and benefits of vitamins (especially C) to help more
>> people with their health challenges and diminish scepticism? Christine
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