Morning Dave,

Why not spend the $50 and get yourself a conductance meter?

It may surprise you to know that I have one. Honestly, after a while, the LED works good enough that I don't feel the need to use the meter.

The distilled water is either Good, Bad, Marginal, or Acceptable. I can detect those 4 classes with the LED in a second.

I have an analog to digital EC device at my garden. Got one experiment, I logged ED every 5 minutes to observe the uptake of nutrients by tomato plants. By checking the EC of the leachate ( test plot of 8 plants ) I could see the lowest EC of the solution when the sunlight was the brightest, usually 13:00 to 14:00.

These plants were grown in a 4 inch PCV tube calculated to hold only one gallon of media. The bottom of the tubes had a funnel attached which attached to a 1 inch pipe. The one inch pipe connected all 8 together. So, I had the average from 8 plants. Here is a picture before the production stage.

Note the plant on the far right being larger.  This was a different variety.

Here is the result of the larger plant in the production stage.

Often this variety of cherry tomatoes produce forked clusters. Some fork 5 times producing as many as 50 tomatoes per cluster.

Full Size tomatoes do it too. Another growth habit of the full size tomatoes is the spacing of the fruit clusters on the plant. Any tomato grower should have observed the normal fruit cluster spacing.

Typical spacing is 6 to 8 inches. With this witches brew nutrient solution, I get clusters a few inches apart. With this solution, I get clusters one inch from other clusters. When they mature, due to the size of the cluster stems, you cannot insert the finger between the clusters. Amazing !
Seven, nine, and even up to eleven fruit set on a cluster.   Too Many.

I use a program to calculate ppm. I have a print out of the ppm for all nutrients and for each batch that produced these results.

I will share this info with any grower who is using a growing system whereas he can control the ppm of the nutrients.

I coded one program to do the ppm, one I called Backwards calculations of ppm. Yes, I can do it in a New York minute with my calculator, a pad and pencil. After a while, I could do it mentally based on previous nutrient amounts and water volume. I did correct the pH of the water using sulfuric acid. I used things like Calcium Nitrate, Potassium Nitrate, and Epson Salt, plus a mixture of trace elements.
It appears that nothing is missing.

When we were talking about chelating nutrients, I have reasonable evidence that man can do it to suit the requirements of the plants.

I might add that this solution is so weak, my dog would drink it. I have on occasion drank a small amount.

In addition, you can pour or spray it on the foliage for folar feeding. It will never burn the plant.

Sorry I got off track. We were talking about the EC of water..... but I think Nutrient Solutions.


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