At 09:28 AM 16/07/04, David wrote:
I think even the so called experts disagree about all
of this so who really knows who is right.  Even "if"
(and thats a BIG IF) he was right about our CS
machines not making CS that benefits us I am a firm
believer in the placebo effect.  I

Hi David,
Well the placebo effect is worth a whole topic on its own!

But, the simple fact is that SOMETHING works in the case of CS. It also works with silver "ore". Thousands of years ago sailors knew that if you put a lump of silver into the bottom of the water jars the water didn't "sour". Often it was considered "magic" and the Silver would be beaten and impressed with an appropriate image of a God. We even have sayings like "born with a silver spoon in her mouth". It was true and done specifically to prevent disease.

I like animal tests - ( not the stupid cruel ones!) where you offer sheep a choice of two fields of grass - one biodynamic and one "cultivated". Or offer cats a choice of two bowls of water, one with CS and see which they choose. Not terribly scientific, but bush Aborigines still do it with strange things that MIGHT be edible.

As Kilneth ( writing as Li Pi Tze ) said: "To learn the truth, follow the gold, for where it comes to rest, is the truth."

A good guide to follow is that if the FDA bans it - it is probably efficacious! :-)

As for the science in Silver or anything else, we hummin beans know so very little about anything. Just take water for instance. As our ability to measure things improves we seem to prove more and more legends and old wife's tales to be true. Water we now find not only does have a memory, it goes beyond our current state of Western Physics to understand that at a dilution below a single molecule level, water can "remember" the substance. Nothing more than ancient science has been saying for thousands of years, culminating in the codified Western idea of Homeopathy.

Anyway, I have proved the efficacy of CS+ to my own satisfaction and will tell anyone about it who will listen. AND I don't make a buck out of it, anywhere! :-)


Onwards to DMSO, next.

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