Or quite likely you are hooked on caffine.  Try the decaffinated cokes and see
if they satisfy your craving. If not, then it is the caffine.


"oldgl...@bigcountry.net" wrote:

> Hi Garnet,
> If homeopathy is true then this explains the absolute craving I have for
> Coca Cola.  The atoms of cocaine are still there after they express cocaine
> for the 'taste'?  It suddenly dawned on me that this must be the answer and
> the reason I can't quit cokes since I have a lot of determination!
> Jean Baugh
> *************************
> >
> > Without going into great detail, they present information about how the
> > body, cells and water can encode information from merely an
> > electromagnetic signal. Water is also stated to be a much more complex
> > substance than one would think and that physics research is still on
> > going on its many permutations of structure. It is not just a bunch of
> > molecules of H2O randomly interacting with each other. The studies that
> > they present in this area are very informative.
> >
> > Garnet
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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