Having made CS that read low in uS and had high TE..but had virtually no
flavor, then making high uS and low TE with strong flavor..
 I think its ions we taste even if they're not 'free' ions.

 No, strong taste is not bad.  Nor is no or little taste.  It's more like a
sensual indicator that can work with the eyeball one to calibrate the
 With all the doseing nonsense that's out there posing as knowledge,
intuition is what we wind up using anyhow whether we think we are or not.

At 02:03 PM 7/22/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>Is it a bad thing if the water tastes very metallic?  I ask because, the
>last batch I made I had going for about 45 mins and I had *no* tindal effect
>so I chugged it away until I saw a slight effect about half an our later.
>The water was very clear and by the faraday calculator I reckon it was about
>20PPM (probably less due to some build up on the electrodes), but it tasted
>very metallic.  It seemed to work very well though.
> Eventually [like many many months], with plenty of sunlight, [That batch
>sat on a South facing window sill for over a year] the metal flakes turned
>into black balls of silver oxide, the formerly clear water went very yellow
>and tasted very strongly metallic.
> I seem to remember a meter reading shooting up from 13 to around 45 uS on
>that batch but I don't have it anymore to check again.
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