Hi Garnet & folks,
No, my point here was simple:
Not too many things since the corruption of the idea of "specific germs theory" have had such devastatingly horrific effects on the masses. Love it or leave it? There must be a way out of this charnelhouse. I really do hope! :-)

Interestingly, as Quantum Theory grows up and catches up to the knowledge of the despised old world, it is having a more and more difficult time. I daydream that the old legends might just be true - that those who can become "enlightened" enough, can actually walk away from this nightmare...... wake up and go somewhere nice... and no, I don't mean Judeo/Christian/Islamic "heaven".. :-)

Himagain, not living in fear of those antibiotics anymore - but Steroids - corrupted stuff of life.

At 10:59 PM 31/07/04, you wrote:
Not a miracle, a medical revolution -- does not imply good or bad, just
big changes. And he was putting DMSO on par with two other classes of
chemicals that certainly do have far reaching effects. Like CS, there
are limits to efficacy of any substance, but when compared to the before
state of things it can seem 'miraculous' to those without the vision to
know how much the physical can be 're-created' or affected. It is life
as usual, because we do create and sometimes destroy. Polarity universe.
Love it or leave it. ;-)

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