At 09:27 AM 01/08/04, I wrote:
Love it or leave it? There must be a way out of this charnelhouse. I really do hope! :-)

Hi folks,
Thanks for the personal messages, but this is WAY off-topic! :-)

I have posted a general brief note or two re this on the Off Topic list.
But I DO still get upset when I read about people I had high hopes for and who turn out to be ....... inept at best, stupid at worst. There is utterly no excuse for any person able cognisantly to reach this or any other list, not to study, think and learn ( 3 different things, I might add).

In my younger ( wealthier) days, I spent untold hours of my own and staff time researching the truth of - in those days dangerous topics and paid out more money in bribery alone to get the truth, than most people could imagine.

Today, Welfare recipients can get out on the Net and with incredible ease find the FACTS for which I devoted a considerable portion of my life and wealth to obtain.

Over and out - to the O.T  List



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