
Bet you're running anti virus software now, huh?

If not, or need a GOOD FREE one that auto magically updates, I Use The free edition is at

In addition, a firewall will keep hackers away.
Zone Alarm is one of the best. A free version is at

A text-based newsreader is a lot safer than a web browser.
HTML is for the clueless...
I use Agent, it's the best.
A free version (Freeagent)is available at

That's pretty much all you need besides common sense.
Remember, safe hex!!!
BTW, your messed up drive couldn't be reformatted?
That's the usual fix.

Two  cannibals are eating a clown.
 One says to the other: "Does this   taste  funny to you?"

On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 14:51:17 -0700 (PDT), Shirley Reed <>

  Recently I passed by my computer monitor. The screen was blue and it said 
rewriting line so and so and then another and another, etc.   After this, the 
poor thing was so messed up no amount of restoring the system did much good.  
So we wound up with a new hard drive, a lighter wallet, and no saved messages 
or favorites.  I suppose it was a worm or virus of some sort.  I don't think 
the lines of code (I presume it was code--only thing I know of that goes with 
'lines of') would be rewritten otherwise.  I am continuing to get attachments 
with emails that I report to yahoo as spam and of course don't open.  Most of 
them say 41, but sometimes 40, as the size.  I get 5 or 6 such messages a day 
sometimes.  So I guess we are under assault here.  I will try to get my son to 
use Firefox or Opera or something else as the Big M has so many holes I also 
doubt they can ever fix it.  Too, too bad.  Can it be possible that the 'powers 
that be' don't even want us to have internet access!
? Nothing would really surprise me as I have read a lot of history books. pj

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You might well try Linux as Linux has been pretty free of virii and worms.I am running Mandrake Linux and Mozilla.Sure it has some drawbacks but security is not one of them.Get the PowerPack form and you will not be without applications that would cost you thousands under windows.Go for the optional extended support as Mandrake will automatically update.You can partition your harddrive and it will co-exist with windows.I have it straight.I admit I have had trouble with Mdk10 but security is fantastic.