“...there is no way a signal can come from the

The problem with this statement is in a narrow
definition of the words, *signal* and *frequency*.
Royal Rife declared that all organisms had a specific
frequency that they operated at (or existed at). By
bombarding and overloading that organism (is this
case, specific types of pathogens) with a strong
signal set at that pathogens frequency, what Rife
called a sympathetic vibratory response would occur,
and that particular pathogen would, essentially,
vibrate to pieces. Live blood cell microscopy has
demonstrated Dr. Rife’s assertion.

There is the well-known phenomenon of shattering a
wine glass using a strong audio signal set at a
specific frequency. What determines what frequency it
takes to shatter a wine glass? The frequency that
glass, or even that particular glass, exists at and
responds to. 

Dr. Carey Reams asserted that all objects in the
universe operated at specific frequencies, living or
inanimate. He said that each organ in the body, and
each food that we eat, have their own frequency. In
this case, frequency is referring to molecular
oscillations, how many times electrons rotate around
the nucleus of each molecule, the combined,
sympathetic frequencies of all the molecules in an
organ or food or object, etc. To say that the body or
foods do not emit a signal is to assume that all
signals are measurable or even known. As far as these
devices that are being sold as measuring instruments,
I cannot say. If they are claiming to measure known
phenomena (radio waves, etc.), and no one else can
duplicate these measurements, then that is suspect. To
say that living organisms do not emit a signal of any
kind, I would have to disagree.

Terry Chamberlin

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